Podrobnější resumé

Academic Degrees


  1. Prom. phil. Russian and Spanish Languages and Literatures (both as majors), Charles University, Prague, 1969.
  2. PhDr. (Doctor Philosophiae): Slavic Languages, specialization in Russian Language and General Linguistics, Charles University, Prague 1970. Dissertation: Functions of Linguistic Repetition (on the material of Spanish and Russian Dialogues)
  3. Certificate of fulfillment of all requirements for the Candidate of Sciences Degree (CSc.) in Russian Language, specialization Stylistics, Charles University, Prague, 1973. Degree not awarded for political reasons. Dissertation: Russian Noun Derivatives with Emotive Meanings.


Professional Appointments


  1. Department of Russian and Ukrainian Languages, Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia:

Postdoctoral Researcher 1969-73

  1. Department of Russian Language, University of 17th of November, Prague, Czechoslovakia:

Assistant Professor of Russian 1973-74

  1. Slavisches Institut der Universität zu Köln, Cologne, West Germany:

Assistant Professor of Slavic Languages   1975 Spring Term

  1. Slavisches Seminar der Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, West Germany:

Visiting Professor of Slavic Languages   1976 Spring Term

  1. Slavic Department of Harvard University, Cambridge, USA:

Mellon Faculty Fellow   1977-78

  1. Slavic Department of Indiana University, Bloomington, USA:

Visiting Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures 1978-80

  1. Slavic Department of University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA:

Assistant Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures and General Linguistics                                                       1980-82

  1. Slavic Department of Indiana University, Bloomington, USA:

Assistant Professor of Slavic Langs. & Lits.   1982-86

Associate Professor of Slavic Langs. & Lits.   1986-91

Full Professor of Slavic Langs. & Lits.              1991-

  1. Russian and East European Institute, University of Virginia and Indiana University

Faculty Member 1980-

  1. Comparative Literature Department of Indiana University, Bloomington, USA:

Adjunct Professor 1992-

  1. CIEE International Exchange Program, New York, USA:

Resident Director in Prague, Czech Republic, 1999-2001

  1. Jewish Studies, IU Bloomington:

Adjunct Professor 2005-


Study Abroad


Leningrad State University, USSR (student)                   1967-68

Moscow State University, USSR (postdoctoral student) 1972 Fall

University of Cologne, West Germany (auditor)           1974 Fall

1975 Fall

Harvard, MIT (auditor)                                                     1977-78


Knowledge of Languages


Native: Czech

Native Level Fluency: English, Russian, Slovak

Very Good Active Knowledge: German, Spanish

Reading and Passive Knowledge: Polish, French, Serbo-Croatian.


Membership in Professional Organizations

Societas Linguistica Europea

International Semiotic Society

Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences


Czech PEN Club

American PEN CLub

International Association of Teachers of Czech

Poetas del mundo


Fellowships, Grants, Awards and Honors

Excellent student award 1966

Grant for study in the USSR 1967-68, 1972

Mellon Faculty Fellowship at Harvard 1977-78

ACLS Award 1988 (Fall Term): research in Canada and West Germany

IREX Award for research in Czechoslovakia, Spring Term of 1989

Fulbright Award for research in Czechoslovakia, 1990-91.

Numerous research and travel grants and fellowships by Mellon, University of Virginia and Indiana University

Many International Travel Grants by UVa, IU, CAHI, REEI, New Frontiers.

Creative Activity Grants of Indiana University 1984, 1985, 1989

International Programs Grant of Indiana University for Exchange with University of Seville, Spain 1986

Many international „Who is Who“ publications

George Gall Memorial Award „in recognition of scholarly work in literature and for most significant contribution to modern poetry“ by Systems Research Foundation, August 1988

Honorable Mention Award for Outstanding Achievement in American Poetry Association’s Contest, July 1989

„Poet of Merit“ by American Poetry Association 1989

College Arts and Humanities Institute Travel Grant to New Zealand, 2003

COAS International Programs Overseas Conference Grant to Poetics of Exile conference in Auckland, New Zealand, 2003.

 Indiana Arts Commission Individual Artist Project Grant for Born out of Darkness poetry book and CD Three Decades of Exile, 2004-2005.

Mellon International Travel Grant REEI, 2005

New Frontiers in Arts and Humanities International Travel Grant COAS, 2005

OIP Outreach Grant for Teacher Training Workshop 2006

CAHI Grant for poetry books and CDs 2006

Mellon Grant in Aid for Anthology of 20th Century Czech Poetry 2007

Several travel grants (REEI, CAHI, New Frontiers, Slavica) 2008, 2009

 Award for Outstanding Contribution to Culture and Scholarship by Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences (SVU) Prague, under the auspices of the Czech Senate, Prague, May 26, 2009 (together with Josef Abrhám, Miloš Forman, Arnošt Lustig, Jiří Grygar, Josef Jařab, Antonín Slouka, Karel Raška, Josef Škvorecký).

 Award for Lifetime Poetic Work and Long Term Work for the Cultural Exchange among the Slavs from the Syndicate of Bulgarian Teachers, Varna, May 25, 2012.

Grant of the Ministry of Culture of Czech Republic 2011 for Vzpomínky moře.

Grant of the Borns Jewish Studies Program, IU 2011 for Vzpomínky moře.

Grant of the Borns Jewish Studies Program, IU 2012 for Az sam tvojata sydba (Bulgarian edition of selected poems).

Indiana University’s Emeritus Faculty Grant-in-Aid Program, a program of the Office of the Vice Provost for Research 2014 for Neprinadležnist (Ukrainian edition of selected poems).

Grant of the Borns Jewish Studies Program, IU 2015 for Z druhej strany duše (Slovak edition of selected poems).


Scholarly Publications

  1. a) Books:


  1. Emotive Signs in Language and Semantic Functioning of Derived Nouns in Russian, John Benjamins, Amsterdam 1987, 270pp. (Volek). Reviewed in SEEJ, 1990, Journal of Pragmatics,1991, Voprosy jazykoznanija, 1991 and Lexikologie-Lexicology, van de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 2002. Cited many times internationally.


  1. Czech Poets and Writers Reminisce and Envision (Conversations with four writers and poets at the Conference for Czech Literature in New York, March of 1990), internal publication of IU, 1991, 40 pp.


  1. A Feminist’s Semiotic Odyssey through Czech Literature, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, N.Y., 1997, 195 pp. (Reviewed in Slavic Review 1999, Česká literatura 1999, Kosmas 2005).


  1. Up the Devil’s Back: A Bilingual Anthology of 20th Century Czech Poetry, translated and edited with an introductory essay; co-author Clarice Cloutier, Afterward by Alfred Thomas, Slavica Publishers, 2008, 480 pp.


  1. b) Articles:


  1. „Emotionally Motivated Repetition and its Functions.“ Philologica Pragensia (Czechoslovakia), 1971, V. 2, 65-78 (refereed).


  1. „Emocionálně motivované opakování v replikách ruského dialogu.” Bulletin ruského jazyka a literatury (Czechoslovakia), 1973, V. 17, 39-50 (refereed).


  1. „Lexikální paralelismy v replikách dialogu.“ Studia Slavica Pragensia. Prague, Charles University, 1973, 237-243 (refereed).


  1. „Certain Emphatic Constructions in Russian, Czech and Spanish.“ Folia Linguistica (Holland), 1977, V. 10, N. 1-2, 169-180 (Volek).

[Referenced in Language and Language Behavior Abstracts, USA,1977.] (refereed).


  1. „K xarakteristike emfazy i intensifikacii v russkom jazyke.“ Zbornik za slavistiku (Yugoslavia), 1977, V. 12, 159-171 (refereed).


  1. „Die Kategorie der Emotionalität in der Sprache.“ Papiere zur Linguistik (West Germany), 1977,V.17-18, 123-148 (Volek).


  1. „Abgeleitete Benennungen mit emotionalen Bedeutungen: Methodologische Ausgangspunkte.“ Marburger Abhandlungen zur Geschichte und Kultur Osteuropas. Theoretische und praktische Linguistik des Russischen, Beiträge zum VIII Internationalen Slawistenkongress in Zagreb 1978, W. Schmitz Verlag,Giessen, West Germany, 1981, V. 20, 99-114 (Volek, refereed).


  1. „Semiotics in Bohemia in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries: Major Trends and Figures.“ With P. Steiner (30%), The Sign. Semiotics Around the World, Michigan Slavic Contributions, No. 9, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 1978, 207-226 (Volek, refereed).


  1. „Types of Repetition in Russian: Semiotic Point of View.“ Folia Slavica (USA), 1979, V. 3/3, 322-328 (Volek, refereed)).


  1. „Czech Poetism: A Review Article.“ Slavic and East European Journal, 1980, V. 24, No. 2, 155-158 (Volek, refereed).


  1. „The Semantic Structure of Derived Substantives with an Emotive Component in Russian — a Comparative Study.“ Slavic and East European Journal, 1983, V. 27, No. 4, 478-487 (Volek). [Referenced in Sociological Abstracts] (refereed).


  1. „Guinea Pigs and the Czech Novel „Under Padlock“ in the 1970s: From the Modern Absolutism to the Postmodernist Absolute.“ With E. Volek (50%), Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, V. 37, N. 1-2, 1983, 19-52 (Volek, refereed).


  1. “ The Guinea Pigs of Ludvík Vaculík: Interrelation of Areas of reference.“ Proceedings of the Semiotic Society of America, 1981 (Volek, refereed).


  1. „The Guinea Pigs of Ludvík Vaculík: Codes, Metaphors and Compositional Devices.“ Slavic Review, V. 42, 1984, No. 1, 18-29 (Volek, refereed).


  1. „La poesía checa actual“. El Carro de la Nieve (Spain), 1987, No. 6, p. 1 (Volek).


  1. „Expressive Elements in Mácha’s May and in His Diary and Letters.“ SEEJ, 1990, V. 34, No. 3, 348-362 (Volek, refereed).


  1. „Semantic Properties of Noun Diminutives.“ American Contributions to the Xth International Congress of Slavists in Sofia,1988, Columbus, Ohio, 1988, 415-421 (Volek, refereed).


  1. „Emotive Semantics and Semiotics.“ Grazer Linguistische Studien, 1990, 33/34, 327-347 (Volek, refereed).


  1. „Images of Women in Contemporary Czech Prose.“ Festschrift for William Edgerton, Indiana Slavic Studies 5 (1990), 193-210 (Volek, refereed).


  1. „K emotivní sémantice a sémiotice.“ Slovo a slovesnost 53, 1992, 11-21, translation of „Emotive Semantics and Semiotics“, Grazer Linguistische Studien 1990 (refereed).


  1. „Poetika emotivních znaků v díle moderních básníků.“ Česká literatura 1993, 6, 633-644 (refereed).


  1. „Tipy povtorov v russkom jazyke: semiotičeskaja točka zrenija.“ sb. Emocii i jazyk, Volgograd 1995, translation of „Types of Repetition in Russian: Semiotic Point of View“, Folia Slavica, 1979 (refereed).


  1. „Emocional’nyj znak: Opredelenie i tipologija.“ sb. Emocii i jazyk,translation from Emotive Signs in Language, John Benjamins, Amsterdam 1987, Volgograd 1995 (refereed).


  1. „Exil, dříve a dnes.“ International PEN Conference on Literature in Prison and Exile (Exile and Prison in Literature), proceedings, Prague 1997.


  1. „Co je energie?” Regena, July 1997 (refereed).


  1. Entry on „Ludvík Vaculík“ for Censorship: International Encyclopedia, Fritz Dearborn, England, 2002 (refereed).


  1. „Scholarly Style as a Subjective Evaluation of Reality.“ Proceedings from the International Linguistic Conference Linguistic Personality: Genre Speech Activity, Volgograd State Pedagogical University, 1999 (refereed).


  1. “Vaněk and Palaverer – Two Sons of the Same Father (The Protagonist as an Axiological Semiotic Device)”, The Transformation of Czech and Slovak Societies on the Threshold of the New Millennium and their Role in the Global World. Selected Papers from the 21st World Congress, University of West Bohemia, Plzeň, Czech Republic, June 23-30, 2002. Edited by Jan P. Skalný and Miloslav Rechcígl, Jr., Plzeň: Aleš Čeněk, 2004, p. 94-100.


  1. “Metaphysical Woman Poet’s Perspective”, Selected Papers from the 22 SVU World Congress, Palacky University, Olomouc, CR, 26 June – 4 July 2004.
  1. *“Smrt jako sémiotická událost“, Listopad 2005.

30. *„Smrt jako sémiotická událost: Čapek versus Kundera“ in Otázky                          českého kánonu, Sborník příspěvků z III. kongresu světové literárněvědné          bohemistiky (23.6.-3.7.2005 Praha), svazek 1, ed. Stanislava Fedrová,                    Ústav pro českou literaturu Akademie věd ČSR, 2006, p. 512-519.

  1. *“Smrt jako sémiotická událost: Mácha, Němcová, Neruda, Hrabal a Kundera”, Česká literatura, vol. 54, 6/2006, Praha, (continuation of previous article), p. 19-30.
  1. “Death as a Semiotic Event”, Kosmas, 2008, vol. 22, No. 1, p. 1-16.
  1. “Czech Program at Indiana University”, Proceedings of Conference on Integration and Testing of Foreigners in Foreign Language Learning Process, Poděbrady, Czech Republic, 2009.

34. “O tzv. ženské a mužské emocionalitě“,Česká literatura v perspektivách                genderu,Jan Matonoha, ed., IV. kongres světové literárněvědné                              bohemistiky, jiná česká literatura (?), Ústav pro českou literaturu                           Akademie věd ČR, Nakladatelství Akropolis, Praha 2010, p. 239-249.

  1. „Why Study Czech?“, http://www.aatseel.org/resources/why/individual.htm#czech
  2. “The Greats of Czech Popular Culture (1900-2000): Roots, Character and Genres”, in Elsevier: Russian Literature LXXVII (2015) I, pp. 123-134; available online at www.sciencedirect.com.
  3. „Rozvoj a vliv sémiotických pojmů pražského lingvistického kroužku na americkém kontinentě ve druhé polovině 20. století“, in Český a polský strukturalismus a poststrukturalismus. Vývoj a současnost – Czeski i polski strukturalizm i poststrukturalizm. Rozwoj i wspolczesnosc, Opava: Slezská univerzita, 2014, ed. Libor Martínek, in print.
  1. „Semiotic Concepts of the Prague Linguistic Circle on the American Continent and the Theory of Emotive Language”, in Studies in Accentology & Slavic Linguistics in Honor of Ronald F. Feldstein, ed. M. Shrager, E. Andrews, G. Fowler and S. Franks, Bloomington, Indiana: Slavica Publishers, 2015, p. 293-306.
  1. “Psychological, Cultural, Historical and Spiritual Aspects of Exile”, in Journal of Euro-American Civilisation, NJ, Vol. 1, No 2 p. 199 – 212.
  1. “Exil: psychologický, kulturně-historický, duchovní”, Český Dialog, 5/2015 http://www.cesky-dialog.net/clanek/6774-exil-psychologicky-kulturne-historicky-a-duchovni/.
  1. c) Reviews
  1. „Julio Calonge, Transcripción del ruso al espaňol.“ Philologica Pragensia (Czechoslovakia), 1972, No. 4, 253-254.
  2. „A.I. Efimov, Stilistika russkogo jazyka.“ Československá rusistika (Czechoslovakia), 1973, No. 1, 41-42.
  3. „Duncan E. Gardiner, Intonation and Music: The Semantics of Czech Prosody.“ Slavic and East European Journal, 1981, V. 25, No. 2, 108-109 (Volek).
  4. „Cornelis van Schooneveld, Semantic Transmutations.“ Zbornik za filologiju i lingvistiku (Yugoslavia), 1981, V. 24, No. 1, 185-186 (Volek).
  5. „Květoslav Chvatík, Tschechoslovakischer Strukturalismus.“ American Journal of Semiotics, 1984, V. 2, No. 4, 153-156 (Volek).
  6. „Cecil Parrot, Jaroslav Hašek. A Study of Švejk and the Short Stories.“ Canadian-American Slavic Studies, 1986, 232-233 (Volek).
  7. „Petr Král, P.S. Čili cesty do ráje (P.S. or Journeys to Paradise.“ World Literature Today, 1991.

8, „Eda Kriseová: Ryby raky (Fish and Crawfish).” World Literature Today,             1992.

  1. „Prairie Schooner No. on Czech Literature.“ Czechoslovak and East European Journal, lost.
  2. “Cross Currents 11: A Yearbook of Central European Culture.” ed. L. Matějka, SEEJ, Vol. 39, No. 3, Fall 1995.
  3. „Iva Pekárková. The World is Round.“ World Literature Today, Winter 1996.
  4. “Allskin and other Stories by Contemporary Czech Women Writers.” World Literature Today, Summer 1999.
  5. “Chitinis, Rajendra A., Literature in Post-Communist Russia and Eastern Europe.

The Russian, Czech and Slovak Fiction of the Changes, 1988-1998

(Abington & New York: Routledge Curzon, 2005), pp. ix + 195. L 60.00.

ISBN 0 415 35557 5, Slavonica 13/1, 2007.


Papers and Lectures:

  1. “Los problemas fundamentals del estudio de la emocionalidad en el lenguaje.” Fifth Congress of Asociación Internacional de los Hispanistas, Bordeaux-Talence (France, September 1974.
  2. “Certain Emphatic Constructions in Spanish, Czech and Russian.” Conference of Societas Linguistica Europea, Nottingham (Great Britain), April 1975.
  3. “Probleme der Untersuchung der Emotionalität in der Sprache.” Lecture at Universität Oldenburg (West Germany), June 1975.
  4. “Tipy povtorov v russkom jazyke. Semiologičeskaja točka zrenija.” State Conference of AATSEEL, Tucson, AZ (USA), November 1976.
  5. ”Derived Substantives with Emotional Meaning in Russian.” RMMLA Convention, Las Vegas (USA), October 1977.
  6. “The Emotive Meaning of Russian Suffixes.” AATSEEL Annual Convention, Chicago (USA), December 1977.
  7. “An Attempt of a Typology of Emotive Signs in Czech.” AATSEEL Convention, New York (USA), December 1978.
  8. “The Semantic Structure of Derived Substantives with an Emotive Component in Russian – a Comparative Study.” Societas Linguistica Europea, Copenhagen (Denmark), August 1981.
  9. “The Guinea Pigs by Ludvík Vaculík: Interrelation of Areas of Reference.” Semiotic Society of America, Nashville (USA), October 1981.
  10. “The Czech Novel ‘Under Padlock’ in the 1970s: From the Modern Absolutism to the Postmodernist Absolute.” AATSEEL National Convention, New York (USA), December 1981.
  11. “Innocence vs. Guilt: Correspondence between Thematic and Compositional Levels in L. Vaculík’s Guinea Pigs”. Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences, Pittsburgh, October 1983.
  12. “Typology of Emotive Signs in Language.” Lecture at International Institute of Semiotic Studies, Bloomington, IN, June 1983.
  13. “Typology of Emotive Meanings.” Semiotic Society of America, Snowbird, UT, October 1983.
  14. “Looking for a System in Emotive Semantics.” International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, Baden-Baden, West Germany, August 1984.
  15. “Semantic Functioning of Noun Diminutives in Czech and Russian.” AATSEEL National Convention, Washington, D.C., December 1984.
  16. “Structuralism in Postwar Czechoslovakia.” AATSEEL National Convention, Washington, D.C., December 1984.
  17. ”Typology of Emotive Meanings.” Lecture at Semiotic Studies Faculty                      Seminars, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, December 1984.
  1. “La escuela linguística y poética de Praga.” Lecture at University of Seville (Spain), June 1986.
  2. “Czechoslovak Structuralism and Theory of Translation.” System Research and Cybernetics International Convention, Baden-Baden, West Germany, August 1986.
  3. “Emotive Language, Emotive Discourse and Typology of Emotive Meanings.” Lecture at the University of Munich, West Germany, June 1987.
  4. “K.H. Mácha: Subconscious Metaphors.” Midwest Slavic Conference, Bloomington, IN, March 1988.
  5. “Patriarchal Features in Czech Dissident Writing.” Midwest Slavic Conference, Bloomington, IN, March 1988.
  6. „Images of Women in Contemporary Czech Literature.“ Systems Research & Cybernetics International Conference, Baden-Baden, West Germany, August 1988.
  7. „Semantic Properties of Noun Diminutives.“ Tenth International Congress of Slavists, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 1988.
  8. and 26. „Unterbewusste Metaphern in Mácha’s May und erotischem Tagebuch.“ Invited lecture at the University of Bern, Switzerland and University of Munich, West Germany, May 1989.
  9. „Podvědomé metafory v Máchově Máji a Deník.“ Literary Society of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, June 1989.
  10. „Vaculíkova Morčata.“ Underground Seminar of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Institute for Czech Literature, Prague, June 1989.
  11. „Prague School of Semiotics.“ Invited Lecture at the Semiotics Seminar of IU, Fall 1989.
  12. „Images of Women in Contemporary Czech Prose.“ Invited Lecture at the REEI Seminar Introduction to Slavic Studies, Fall 1989.
  13. „Czechoslovakia, History and Present.“ Invited Lecture at the Mass Media Class at School of Journalism, Spring 1990.
  14. „The Velvet Revolution.“ Lecture on the Czechoslovak revolution for REEI, Spring 1990.
  15. „Emotivní sémantika a sémiotika.“ Invited lecture at Charles University, Prague, November 1990.
  16. „Studium slavistiky v západních zemích.“ Lecture for the Department of Slavic and Ukrainian Language and Literature, Charles University, Prague, November 1990.
  17. „Czechoslovakia 1990.“ Lecture at Indiana University, REEI, February 1991.
  18. „Czechoslovak Culture after the Revolution.“ East-West Symposium, Indiana University, March 1991.
  19. „Censorship in Czechoslovakia.“ Fifth Annual Paul Robeson Festival, Philadelphia, April, 1991.
  20. „Nesnesitelná těžkost bytí, či snad lehkost? Kundera z amerického hlediska.“ Lecture at the Literary Society of the Academy of Sciences, Prague, May 1991.
  21. „Emotivní znaky v moderní české poezii.“ Invited lecture at the Institute of Czech Language of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, June 1991.
  22. „The Unbearable Lightness of Being. A Much Disputed Bestseller.“ National AAASS Meeting in Miami, November 1991.
  23. „The New Cultural Environment in Central Europe.“ Symposium on Eastern Europe, REEI, Indiana University, March 92.
  24. „Escape and Vision in Czech Literature.“ World Congress of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences, Prague, June 1992.
  25. „Unbearable Heaviness of Being or is it Lightness?“ Lecture at Indiana University, Bloomington, February 1993.
  26. „Escape and Vision in Hrabal’s „I Served the King of England.“ AAASS Honolulu, November 1993.
  27. „Czech Literature under Communism and Today.“ Lecture for the Indiana Slavic Dept. Summer School, July 1995.
  28. Discussant with E. Kriseová, E. Hauserová, I. Pekárková and T. Boučková at a Symposium of Women Writers in the Czech Republic, moderator K. Forché, Prague Summer Writers‘ Workshop, Klementinum, Prague, August 1995.
  29. Discussant, Panel on Czech Literature and Translation, Olomouc Book Fair, October 1995.
  30. Discussant on the Panel on “Czech Literature in Translation”, International PEN Conference on Literary Translation, Olomouc, Czech Republic, October, 1995.
  31. Discussant on the Panel on “Czech Literature in Translation”, International PEN Conference on Literary Translation, Olomouc, Czech Republic, October, 1995.
  32. „Linguistic Creativity and Poetry.“ Invited Lecture for School of Journalism, Charles University, Prague, December 1995.
  33. „Exile Before and Now.“ Conference on Literature in Exile and Prison, Prague, International PEN Club, February 1996.
  34. „Contemporary Czech Literature.“ Invited lecture for International Women’s Association, Philosophical Faculty of Charles University, March 1996.
  35. „Czech or English: When and How?“ National ALTA Conference in Bloomington, IN, Nov. 96.
  36. “Children and Stepchildren of Czech Literature.” Lecture at the Slavic Summer Workshop, July 1997.

54.“The Younger Generation of Czech Women Writers.“ Invited lecture, Indiana           University, July 29, 1998.

  1. „Scholarly Style as a Subjective Evaluation of Reality.“ International Linguistic Conference on Linguistic Personality: Genre Speech Activity at Volgograd State Pedagogical University, October 6-8, 1998.
  2. “Vaněk and Palaverer – Two Sons of the Same Father: Protagonist as a Semiotic Axiological Device.” 21st World Congress of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences, Pilsen, June 2002.
  3. “The Role of Absurd Theater in Czechoslovakia of 1960s”, John Waldron Art Center, Bloomigton, IN, October 2002 (Curtain Talk at the Performance of Václav Havel’s Garden Party).
  4. “Exile Inside and Out.” International Conference on Poetics of Exile, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, July 17-19, 2003.
  5. “Writing/Translating Czech Poetry.” Lecture in the Seminar on Translation of the Institute for Advanced Study at Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, November 10, 2003.
  6. “Czech Language Study at Indiana University.” Conference of Association of Teachers of Czech, Prague, Czech Republic, November 2003.
  7. “Women’s Issues from a Metaphysical Poet’s Perspective.” World Congress of SVU, Olomouc, June 27-July 3, 2004.

62*“Smrt jako sémiotická událost: Čapek vs. Kundera“, paper at the III. World           Congress of Czech Literary Studies, Prague, June 2005.

63.*“Jakobson’s Role in Forming the Slavic Studies in the U.S.“, III World                      Congress of Czech Literary Studies, Prague, June 2005.

64. “Czech Studies at Indiana University”, National AATSEEL, Washington, Dec.          2005.

65.“Poetry of Exile”, University of Chicago invited lecture in the Seminar on               Minor Slavic Cultures, Feb. 2006.

  1. “Exile Inside and Out”, lecture at Conference on Writer Uprooted: Contemporary Jewish Exile Literature, March 2006.
  2. “Death as a Semiotic Event”, invited lecture at Brown University, Providence, RI, October 2006.
  1. “Death as a Semiotic Event”, lecture for ECES program of Charles University, Prague, November 23, 2006.
  2. “Václav Havel: from Playwright to Dissident to President to Person”, outreach seminar for Indiana high school teachers, Bloomington, October 2006.
  1. “Bilingual Anthology of 20th Century Czech Poetry”, panel on Czech Translation at National AATSEEL conference in San Francisco, Dec. 27-30, 2008.
  2. “Czech Studies at Indiana University”, Conference on the Integration and Testing of Foreigners in Foreign Language Learning Process, Poděbrady, June 22-24, 2009.
  3. “O tzv ženské a mužské emocionalitě“, Keynote address, IV. kongres světové literárněvědné bohemistiky, 23.6. – 3.7. 2010 Praha, Ústav pro českou literaturu Akademie věd ČSR.
  4. „The Greats of Czech Popular Culture (1900-2000): Roots, Character and Genres“, Lecture at SWSEEL, Indiana University, August 2010.
  5. „ Problémy (dvojjazyčné) básnické tvorby v exilu a překlad z čestiny do angličtiny“, Doktorský seminář na Univerzitě Palackého v Olomouci, 17.5. 2012.
  1. „Up the Devil’s Back, introducing the bilingual anthology of Czech poetry“, International Seminar of Bohemists, Prague-Olomouc, May 16, 2013.
  2. „Exil: psychologický, kulturně-historický a duchovní“, paper at Dějiny českého kulturního a intelektuálního exilu v Severní Americe (History of Czech Cultural and Intellectual Exile in North America), 2nd International Conference of The Comenius Academic Club with Philosophical Faculty of University Pardubice, supported by the Library of Václav Havel, Castle Pardubice, June 14-15, 2014.
  3. Lecture “Rozvoj sémiotických pojmů a Pražská škola v Americe” (Development of Semiotic Concepts and Prague School in the US), lecture, Univerzita J.A. Purkyně, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic, November 5, 2014.
  4. Lecture “Exil: psychologický, kulturně-historický, duchovní”, at South Bohemian University, České Budějovice, April 2, 2015.
  1. Lecture “Exil: psychologický, kulturně-historický, duchovní”, for Československá společnost věd a umění (Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences), SVU Praha, April 9, 2015.
  1. Talk: “Meet the Artist”, IU Fine Arts Library, Feb 6, 21015.



Review of Emotive Signs in Language:

SEEJ, 1990

                       Journal of Pragmatics, 1991

                       Voprosy jazykoznanija, 1991 (Viktor Schaxovskij).

Lexicologie – Lexicology, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York



Review of A Feminist’s Semiotic Odyssey through Czech Literature:

Slavic Review, 1999.

Česká literatura, 1999 (Maria Banerjee)

Kosmas, Fall 2005 (Maria Banerjee)

Jan Matonoha: “Obraz moderní české literatury v anglojazyčných publikacích; výběrový stručný nástin”, Slovo a smysl. – Roč. 1, č. 2, s. 294-323. – 2004 (vročení 2004, vyšlo až 2005).


Reviews of The Writer Uprooted:


  1. East European Jewish Affairs

Vol. 39, No. 2, August 2009, 289–314

ISSN 1350-1674 print/ISSN 1743-971X online

DOI: 10.1080/13501670903016365



  1. Shofar, Samuel Rosenthal Center for Judaic Studies http://www.case.edu/artsci/rosenthal/reviews/Uprooted.htm


Reviews of Up the Devil’s Back (A Bilingual Anthology of 20th Century Czech Poetry):

  1. Czech Dialogue 7-8, 2009, str. 32-33, reviews by Venda Šebrlová and by Jiřina Fuchsová.
  2. Prague Post, Dec 9, 2009  [http://www.praguepost.com/tempo/3031-bilingual-poetry-volume-collects-work-of-65-wordsmiths.html] (announcement by Stephan Delbos)
  3. SEEJ, vol. 54, No. 4, Winter 2010, review by Kirsten Lodge, p. 708-709.
  4. Convorbiri Literare, Journal the Union of Romanian Writers, review by Marius Chelaru: “O antologie de poezie ceha” (http://convorbiri-literare.ro/?p=1438), 2013.


Courses Taught


1973 Spring Elementary Russian at Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia

1973-74 Russian Grammar and advanced Russian Grammar

at University of 17th of November, Prague, Czechoslovakia


1974-75 Introduction to Russian Linguistics

Old Church Slavic II (graduate seminar)

Intermediate Czech

Russian in Lab (Elementary & Advanced)

at Universität zu Köln, Cologne, West Germany


1976 Spring   Introduction to Modern Linguistics

Word-Formation in Contemporary Russian (graduate seminar)

Selected Questions from Contemporary Russian Stylistics (graduate                           seminar)

at Philipps Universität Marburg, West Germany


1977-78 Intermediate Russian

Emotive Semantics & Word-Formation in Russian (graduate seminar)

at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA


1978-80   Beginning Czech I, II

Intermediate Czech I, II

Literature and Culture of Czechs and Slovaks I, II (partially graduate                         course)

Beginning Russian

Intermediate Russian (2nd year)

Intermediate Russian (3rd year)

at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA


1980-82 Beginning Czech I, II

Introduction into Language and Linguistics

Structure of Russian (graduate seminar)

Syntax and Semantics (graduate seminar)

Advanced Russian (4th year)

at University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA, USA


1982-2013: Beginning Czech I, II

Intermediate Czech I, II

Intermediate Russian (2nd year)

Intermediate Russian (3rd year)

Russian Translation (4th year)

Russian Translation (3rd year)

Literature and Culture of Czechs and Slovaks I, II (partially graduate                          course)

Prague School of Linguistics and Poetics (graduate seminar)

Interwar Central Europe: Cultural Florescence and Apocalyptic Vision

Semiotics and Philosophy of Language (graduate seminar)

Breaking the Code (Semiotics of Culture, topics course)

What is the Feeling behind the Text? (Topics course on Czech                                        Literature)

Literary Texts in Totalitarian and Post Communist Society

Modern Czech History and Literature through Film

Jewish Literature in Central Europe between the Wars (Continuing                            Studies)

Czech and Jewish Culture in Bohemia: Poetry, Novel, Thought and                              Film

The Wandering Jew: Central European Jewish Literature and Exile

20th Century Central and East European Poetry: Comparative                                      Perspective I, II

at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA


Committee member of 15 Ph.D. dissertations, 1984-2011

Committee member of 6 Master’s Thesis, 1984-2006

The dissertations and theses I supervised were from many different departments: ranging from Slavic Linguistics and Literature to Comparative Literature, History, Folklore, Theater, Film, Photography, Philosophy and Communication and Culture.


Some students and their topics:



Mike Long (Slavic Linguistics), dissertation on Russian and Czech Word-formation. He is a Professor at the University in Waco, Texas.

Sibelan Forrester (Slavic Literatures), dissertation on Marina Cvetaeva. She is a Professor at the Swarthmore College, Ohio.

Annie Joly Sperling (Slavic Linguistics), dissertation on Russian Word-formation. She lives and teaches in Paris.

Lilli Parrott (Slavic Linguistics) took Czech classes, co-translated a book of poetry with me, then went on to study at Harvard, teaches in France.

James Felak (History), studied Czech and Slovak language, literature and culture with me, dissertation on The Slovak Question in Interwar Czechoslovakia. He is a Professor of History in the Slavic Dept. at the University of Seattle, Washington.

Raymond Pospisil (History), dissertation on The Critics of T.G. Masaryk (1886-1920), currently a Professor of History.


Carl Bulkin (Czech Language) took Czech classes with me, co-edited one of my books and translated several very difficult works of Czech literature, e.g. O. Březina’s essays, or a novel by L. Klíma. Works in diplomatic service.

Clarice Cloutier (Czech Literature) came to study poetry and translation with me for two summers when she was a graduate student at Princeton University. Co-translated two books of poetry with me and edited two others. Taught at Charles University, Prague and New York University (Prague Campus), works in Switzerland.

Tim Lang (German Cultural Studies), M.A. thesis on German Culture in Bohemia.

Nina Vandervoort (Comparative Literature), M.A. thesis: translation of Phantomime by Daniela Fischerová.

Mark Mattox (Philosophy and Semiotics) studied semiotics with me and did a dissertation on St. Agustin and the Theory of Just War. He became the Chief of Nuclear Policy and Surety of the United States European Command in Germany, then a Colonel and Dean of the Defense Threat Reduction University in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

21st Century

Kurt Hartwig (Folklore and Theater), dissertation on Semiotics of Czech Theater. Teaches at the University of Wisconsin, Madison,WI.

Matthew Konieczny (History), University of Minnesota.

Molly Radecky (Film), Thesis on Modern Czech Photography at FAMU, Prague.

Heidi Bludau (Anthropology), dissertation on Migrations of Czech Nurses, National SVU (Hašek) competition graduate paper winner 2007 („The Good Soldier Švejk“).

Ryan Kilgore (REEI and Jiddish), National SVU (Hašek) competition graduate paper winner 2009 (“Avtorskaia Pesnia Through the Lens of Mukařovský’s Structural Aesthetics”).

Olga Bueva (REEI), National SVU (Hašek) competition graduate paper winner 2010 (“Milan Kundera’s The Joke: Ideologies of Disembodiment”).

Dan Tam Do (REEI), thesis on Music and Socialist Cultural Policy.

Laura Ivins-Hulley (Communication and Culture), dissertation on Jan Švankmajer, 2014.




Ph.D. Committee Director and Committee Member

Hiring and Promotion Committees

Evaluation of the Quality of the Slavic Dept. for the CIP Report

Undergraduate Advisor, University of Virginia

Lower Division Advisor, University of Virginia

Salary Committee

Director of Graduate Studies 2007-2008

Faculty contact for the Slavic Dance group

Graduate Admissions Committee for the Slavic Department (several years).

Slavic Talent Show: preparing students to sing Czech songs and anthem, read poems, present plays in Czech and produce a power point on history etc. (yearly activities).

Selecting and supplying Czech films for the REEI video library (yearly).


18 guest lectures in colleagues‘ classes and in symposia organized by Indiana University

United Way Officer.

Tenure and Promotion Committee member

Foreign Language Reading Proficiency Examiner for Comparative Literature Department (Russian and Czech).

Sabbatical Committee member

Undergraduate Semiotics Committee member.

Semiotics Hospitality Summer Institute Committee member.

Semiotics Graduate Studies Committee Member.

Russian Language and Area Studies Committee member.

Chair: Panel on Velvet Revolution at IU, 1990.

Czech Film Series Developer, Organizer and Presenter: 1984-1985, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011.

Czech Luncheon with Music & Exhibit Event in Tudor Room Organizer and Presenter, March, 2008 (2 days).

Graduate Admissions Committee member for REEI 2008.

Proficiency exams for REEI students (yearly).

Celebration of 20th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution: introduction, dinner, powerpoint and video/music clips 2009.

IU Czech Club President, later Faculty Advisor and Supervisor (see webpage: http://mypage.iu.edu/~czech/) Leading and monitoring of weekly activities, being in charge of the club’s web page and special events till summer of 2011.

 Collages for the Emeriti House Art exhibit yearly since 2010.

Committee member of the Armstrong Competition of REEI, 2014.


21 chairmanships at national and international conferences

4 discussants

IREX Selection Committee Member for Exchange Program with Eastern Europe, 1993.

Editorial Board member for Kosmas (Czechoslovak and Central European Journal

(1995- ), Tahy (2009- ), Litteraria Bohemistica (2010-).

NEH & NEA reviewer.

Fulbright reviewer.

Contributed material on Czech studies to the National AATSEEL Web page “Why Study Slavic and East European Languages? Why study Czech?” (http://www.swarthmore.edu/Humanities/sforres1/WhyStudy/czech.html)

Council on International Educational Exchange Resident Director, Prague 1999-2001. Innovatively reorganized a large program on all levels (library, administrative apparatus, banking         system, staff, premises, computer equipment, course offerings and content supervision, lodging and cultural programs. The numbers of students in this program were always the largest from Central and East European programs, but have steadily risen from about 50 when I started to 70 when I left.

Czech Examiner for Five College Center for Study of World Languages.

Slavica Publishers reviewer of manuscripts.

SEEJ reviewer of manuscripts.

National Resource for questions regarding Czech language and culture

Translation and Transliteration revision and help on Songs of Antonín Dvořák by David Adams.

Member of discussion group on IDEOLOGIES OF WAR AND TERROR


National Resource for Czech Language and Studies.

Board of Directors CET International Student Exchange Program, Washington, D.C.

Official Delegate of the Czech PEN Centre at the 74th World Congress of the International PEN Club, 2008.

Consulting for American Council for International Education.

Consultant for Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.

Consultant for British Academy of Sciences

Consultant for Osterreichishcher Wissenschaftfonds (Austrian Science Fund)

 Consultations and presentations for colleagues’ projects and classes:

Advisor to Daniel Narducci for Rudolf Friml CD.

Poetry reading and presentation for students in Bethany Braley’s summer creative writing class, 2011.

Advisor to Douglas Hofstadter, Czech Translation of Goedel, Escher, Bach, Praha: Argo – Dokořán 2012, see: „Redakční poznámka a doslov k českému vydání“, str. 804: „Ne zcela běžný byl i autorův dozor nad kvalitou překladu (u tak okrajového jazyka jako čeština dost neobvyklý) – za laskavé dobrozdání, na jehož základě autor naši tříletou práci schválil, děkujeme paní Bronislavě Volkové.

 Advisor to students from China (Rui/René Tao, Beijin), Germany (Simone Kraus, Mainz), Serbia (Pavle Pavlovic, Belgrad), Bulgaria (Dimana Ivanova, Varna).

Co-editor with Vladimír Novotný of Litteraria Slavistica, Prague, in print.

Editorial Board Member of Tahy, Pardubická univerzita.

Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Literature and Art (IJLA).

Reader for Univezita J.A.Purkyně, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic.


Czech Language, Culture and Library Advisor for the community in Bloomington, IN and Charlottesville, VA and for Foreign Science and Technology Center in Charlottesville.

Czech Film Series Developer, Organizer and Presenter at IU, Bloomington (1984-85, 2007-11).

Many poetry readings in John Waldron Arts Center and other institutions in Bloomington.

Many Readings for WFHB and Public TV Station, Bloomington, as well as many radio performances and interviews for various international radio stations.

Various interviews for Czech, Slovak, Spanish and American newspapers.

Help to Dina Eldrina, Director of Environmental Management for Residence Halls Association with organizing a Recycled Art Exhibition at Collins Chesire Café, November 22, 2003.

Workshop on “Stress Management/Relief” for students at Rollins house of Wright, December 11, 2003.

Monroe County District Interpreter.

Collages for Art and Conscience Exhibition of Bellevue Gallery, Bloomington, July-August, 2003.

Collages for Winter’s Eve Exhibition of Bellevue gallery, Bloomington, November-December, 2003.

Collages for Literary Inspirations, Exhibition of Bellevue Gallery, Bloomington, January-February 2004, 2005.

Collages for Landscapes, Real and Imagined, Bellevue Gallery, Bloomington, June-July 2005.

Resource and assistance for Havel Theater Productions in Bloomington (Havel’s Garden Party and Unveiling, 2004, 2006.


Digitalizing a number of personal records, especially of Czech underground and exile bards Karel Kryl and Jaroslav Hutka both for student use in the Language Lab and for Jeff Holdeman’s part in the Outreach Seminar.

Curtain Talk after Garden Party and Unveiling in John Waldron Arts Center.

Lecture for Outreach Seminar on Havel for Indiana high school teachers, 2006.

Meditation class, Bloomington 2013-2014.

Quigong, Tao and Reiki classes, Prague 2014-2016.