Podrobnější resumé
Membership in organisations
Czech PEN Club
American PEN Club (Official Delegate of the Czech PEN Centre at the 74th World Congress of the International PEN Club, 2008).
Fellowships, Grants, Awards and Honors
George Gall Memorial Award „in recognition of scholarly work in literature and for most significant contribution to modern poetry“ by Systems Research Foundation, August 1988.
Honorable Mention Award for Outstanding Achievement in American Poetry Association’s Contest, July 1989
„Poet of Merit“ by American Poetry Association 1989
College Arts and Humanities Institute Travel Grant to New Zealand, 2003
COAS International Programs Overseas Conference Grant to Poetics of Exile conference in Auckland, New Zealand, 2003.
Indiana Arts Commission Individual Artist Project Grant for Born out of Darkness poetry book and CD Three Decades of Exile, 2004-2005.
CAHI Grant for poetry books and CDs 2006.
Mellon Grant in Aid for Anthology of 20th Century Czech Poetry 2007.
Award for Outstanding Contribution to Culture and Scholarship by Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences (SVU) Prague, under the auspices of the Czech Senate, Prague, May 26, 2009 (together with Josef Abrhám, Miloš Forman, Arnošt Lustig, Jiří Grygar, Josef Jařab, Antonín Slouka, Karel Raška, Josef Škvorecký).
Award for Lifetime Poetic Work and Long Term Work for the Cultural Exchange among the Slavs from the Syndicate of Bulgarian Teachers, Varna, May 25, 2012.
Grant of the Ministry of Culture of Czech Republic 2011 for Vzpomínky moře.
Grant of the Borns Jewish Studies Program, IU 2011 for Vzpomínky moře.
Grant of the Borns Jewish Studies Program, IU 2012 for Az sam tvojata sydba.
Indiana University’s Emeritus Faculty Grant-in-Aid Program, a program of the Office of the Vice Provost for Research 2014 for Neprinadležnist.
Original Poetry, Creative Writing & Essays
a) Books, CDs, DVDs:
1. Motáky do uší pěny (Prison Notes Smuggled into the Ears of Seafoam), PmD, (Poetry Abroad), Munich, West Germany, 1984, 75 pp. (reviewed).
2. Dům v ohni (House on Fire), PmD (Poetry Abroad), Munich, West Germany, 1985, 77 pp. (reviewed).
3. Vzduch bez podpatků (Air without Heels), PmD, (Poetry Abroad), Munich, West Germany, 1987, 78 pp. (reviewed).
4. Jistá nepřítomnost (A Certain Absence), PmD (Poetry Abroad), Munich, West Germany, 1990, 79 pp. (reviewed).
5. Proměny (Transformations), signed bibliophile edition of a small selection of poems by Alfa-Omega Press, with signed photographs of J. Šnajberg, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1991, 12 pp. (cited).
6. Zranitelnost země (Vulnerability of Earth), PmD (Poetry Abroad), Munich, West Germany, 1992, 79 pp. (reviewed).
7. The Courage of the Rainbow: Selected Poems (English translations of original Czech poetry with the assistance of A. Durkin, W. Barnstone, L. Parrott and G. Orr), Sheep Meadow Press, New York 1993, 103 pp., 1000 copies (reviewed in Publishers Weekly and World Literature Today).
8. Hluchoněmá dlaň (The Deaf and Dumb Hand), PmD (Poetry Abroad), Munich, West Germany, 1993.
9. Roztříštěné světy (The Shattered Worlds, selected poems), Votobia, Olomouc, The Czech Republic, 1995, 150 pp. (reviewed in Proglas, Tvar and Host).
10. Motáky do uší pěny / Prison Notes Smuggled into the Ears of Sea Foam, a bilingual edition, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, New York, 1999 (same co-translators as in Courage of the Rainbow), 147 pp. (see “Laudatio” by Vl. Novotný in Listopad)
11. Proměny/Transformations, a bilingual limited edition of original poetry in both languages with eight collages by author, Explorer Editions, Prague, 2000, second expanded edition, Bloomington-Prague, 2001, 194 pp. (reviewed in Zprávy českých bibliofilů and Kosmas).
12. Vstup do světla / Entering Light, a bilingual limited edition of original poetry in both languages with six collages by author, Explorer Editions, Bloomington-Prague, 2002, 133 pp. (reviewed in Kosmas).
13. Jistá nepřítomnost/A Certain Absence, a bilingual limited edition of the Czech original published in 1990 in Munich. Translation by author with Clarice Cloutier, collage by Jiří Kolář, Explorer Editions, Bloomington-Prague, 2003, 154 pp. (reviewed in Mladá fronta dnes, Dotyky, Romboid).
14. Ze tmy zrozená, a limited edition with four collages by author, Explorer Editions, Bloomington-Prague, 2004 (supported by grants from Indiana Arts Commission and College Arts & Humanities Institute of Indiana University, reviewed in Kosmas).
15. Born out of Darkness, a limited edition with four color collages by author, Explorer Editions, Bloomington – Prague, 2005 (Supported by Individual Artist Project Grant of Indiana Arts Commission and a grant from College Arts & Humanities Institute of Indiana University, reviewed in Kosmas).
16. *Transformations, Backwoods Broadsides Chaplet Series, Number 91, Ellsworth, ME, Spring 2005, 750 copies, reviewed on internet.
17. The Slightest Reminder of Your Being… (Three Decades of Exile: 1974 -2004), CD from six books of poetry in English with musical inserts, 64:55 min., Explorer Editions, Bloomington-Prague, 2005 (supported by a grant from Indiana Arts Commission).
18. Nejmenší připomínka Tvého bytí… (Třicet let exilu: 1974 -2004), non-identical twin CD from nine books of poetry in Czech with musical inserts, 79:07 min., Explorer Editions, Bloomington – Prague, 2005 (supported by a grant from College Arts & Humanities Institute of Indiana University).
19. Entering Light, a multimedia performance DVD, Explorer Editions, Bloomington-Prague, 2006.
20. Born out of Darkness, a multimedia performance DVD, Explorer Editions, Bloomington – Prague, 2006 (supported by a grant from College Arts & Humanities Institute of Indiana University.
21. Up the Devil’s Back: A Bilingual Anthology of 20th Century Czech Poetry, translated and edited with an introductory essay; co-author Clarice Cloutier, Afterward by Alfred Thomas, Slavica Publishers, 2008, 480 pp.
22. A pít budem ze studní lahodných…, a limited edition with three color collages and two photographs by author, Explorer Editions, Bloomington, 2010.
23. And Drink We Will from Delectable Wells…, a limited edition with three color collages and two photographs by author, Explorer Editions, Bloomington, 2011.
24. Vzpomínky moře (Sebrané básně z let 1973-2010), Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Červený Kostelec, Czech Republic, 2011, 392pp. (The Sea Recalls (Collected Poems from 1973-2010), with ten collages and a CD of author’s reading. Supported by a grant from the Czch Ministry of Culture and Borns Jewish Studies Program at Indiana University, Bloomington.
25. The Sea Recalls, a multimedia performance DVD, Explorer Editions, Bloomington, 2013. Supported by a grant from Borns Jewish Studies Program, Indiana University.
26. Аз сьм твоята сьдба (I am Your Destiny), Poems selected and translated by Dimitar Stefanov, Sophia (Bulgaria): Haini, 2013. http://books.balkanatolia.com/cgi-bin/catalogB.cgi/sl-e/p-l/mid-413/s-0/.html
27. Neprinaležnist‘ (Nonconformity), book of selected poems in Ukrainian, Lutsk: Tverdyna, translated by Viktor Melnyk, 2014.
28. Šepot vselennoj (Whisper of the Universe), book of selected poems in Russian, Moscow: U Nikitskix vorot, translated by author with Oleg Malevič, Irina Siletskaja and Tat’jana Žitkova, 2015, 140 pp.
29. Z druhej strany duše (From the Other Side of the Soul), selected poems in Slovak, translated by Ondrej Kalamár, Skalná ruža, Banská Bystrica, 2016.
30. Být stromem,, který zpívá / Being a Tree That Sings, bilingual book of poetry, Pavel Mervart, Červený Kostelec, 2016.
b) Sequences of Poems, Stories and Essays:
{In Czech, English, Spanish, French, Polish and German}
1. “The time goes so slowly”, “The sound of wind reminds me of cut flesh”, “The release from being together”, Nimrod, USA, 1981,V. 25, p.56-57 [tr.Volek with Willis Barnstone, refereed].
2. “Between the crossing of the legs”, Artful Dodge, USA 1981, p. 6 [tr. Volek with Willis Barnstone, refereed].
3. “Zítra zlehka ulehnu”/“Tomorrow I’ll lean back easy”, Correspondances, Switzerland, 1983, 2, p. 57-58 [tr. Volek with Willis Barnstone, refereed].
4. “Balancuju”, “A příštího rána”, Obrys/Kontur, West Germany, 1983, V. 3, No. 1, p. 5, refereed.
5. “Míjení”, Pater Noster, Austria, 1983, 3, p. 2-6, refereed.
6. “It is Raining”, Nimrod, USA, Spring/Summer 1984, V. 27, No. 2, p.2 [tr. Volek with Willis Barnstone, refereed].
7. “An Open Gate and a Gallop of Horses”, “After You Leave, the Heart Will Loose Its Scent”, Translation, USA, Spring 1984, V. 12, 257-258 [tr. Volek with Gregory Orr, refereed].
8. “The White Morning”, 2 plus 2, Switzerland, Spring/Summer 1984, p. 222 [tr. Volek with Gregory Orr, refereed].
9. “Verše: Bílé ráno se odpoutalo nad stárnoucím městem, Zítra zlehka ulehnu, Zápolení plovoucích panen, Malé rostlinky, Opuštěnost, Čas jde tak pomalu, Mezi zkřížením nohou, Tam kdesi uvnitř”, Listy, Italy, May 1984, No. 3, p. 257 [refereed].
10. “Sedm básní: Když mi bylo třináct, Vlaky se nedostavily na místa určení, Neprýštím ze země, Na pospas jabloním, Jsou cesty zapomnění, V Seville má lásko, v Seville, Dej si mě do snu”, Proměny/Premeny, Switzerland, 1986, 23/3, pp. 113-116 [refereed].
11. “Requiem za ztracený svět”/ “Requiem por un mundo perdido”, “V říjnu je vesmír v Bloomingtonu živ”/“En Bloomington está vivo el universo en octubre”, El Carro de la Nieve, Spain, 1987, No. 6, p. 1 [two original poems in Spanish, tr. Volek, refereed].
12. “Winter Came”, Visions, USA, 1988, No. 26 [tr. Volek, refereed].
13. “Put me into your dream”, Midwest Poetry Review, USA, April 1989 [tr. Volek with Andrew Durkin, refereed].
14. “Ráno na Staten Islandu”/“Morning on Staten Island”, Orbis, England, 1988, No. 68, p. 23 [tr. Volek with Andrew Durkin, refereed].
15. “Drops”, “Secret Prayer”, “I am looking for a rain”, “I am a box for green trees” [tr. author with Willis Barnstone], “Semiotic Time”, The American Poetry Anthology, ed. John Frost, American Poetry Association, USA, 1988, V. 8, No. 2, p. 393-395 [tr. Volek].
16. “The houses dropped one by one along the dreaming streets”, “How long can you stand to listen to silence?”, “There is a spot in the day”, “I do not spring from the earth”, “There is a way of trees”, Best New Poets of 1988, ed. Robert Nelson, American Poetry Association, USA, 1989, pp. 322, 389, 391.
17. “There is a Way of Trees”, Oxalis, USA, Fall 1989, V. 2, No. 4 [tr. Volek/Volková, refereed].
18. “Spot”, Visions, USA, 1989, No. 30 [Volek, refereed].
19. “Morning on Staten Island”, Echoes, USA, Summer 1989, No. 13, p. 6 [tr. Volek with Andrew Durkin, refereed].
20. “Hvězdy jsou ženského rodu”, “Memorandum zemi”, “Náprstek smrti se směje”, “Zápasím o růži”, Listy, Italy, March 1989, V. 19, No. 1, p. 64 [refereed].
21. “Conversation on Marriage”, “If My Hands Could Undress the Moon” (Honorable mention), Love’s World Treasures, ed. Robert Nelson, American Poetry Association, USA, 1989, V. 2, p. 116, 315 [tr. Volek].
22. „Gedichte aus fünf Büchern“, translation into German with Ota Filip, manuscript.
23. „Fünfzehn Gedichte“, translation into German with Vladimír Vlasatý, manuscript.
24. “The houses dropped one by one”, Mr. Cogito, USA, Winter 1989, V. IX, No. 1, Whole Issue 25 [tr. Volek with Andrew Durkin, refereed].
25. “Exile”, Verve, USA, Summer 1989, V. 1, No. 2, p. 26 [tr. Volek with Willis Barnstone, refereed].
26. “Here in Charlottesville the roads ring”, “If My Hands Could Undress the Moon”, “I am homesick”, International Poetry Review, USA, Fall 1989, V. XV, No. 2, p. 20-21 [tr. Volkova with Andrew Durkin, Willis Barnstone, Judy Miner, refereed].
27. “Only white walls know the horror”, Global Issue, Poetry East, USA, Fall 1990, No. 30, Global Issue, p. 66 [tr. Volková with Willis Barnstone].
28. “I step over…”, Poetry East, USA, Spring 1990, No. 29, p. 118 [tr. Volkova, refereed].
29. “Tak jako země”, Československý týdeník, USA, 1990, 1/2, p. 4.
30. “Et je me tiens là, dans le silence défait…”, “Des larmes de rivières caressent mes cuisses”, La poésie tchèque moderne (1914-1989), Anthology of Czech poetry by Petr Král, Editions Belin, Paris, 1990, p. 225-226.
31. “Okna vesmíru jsou malá”, “Naše děti spí na hvězdičkách v noci”, Tvorba 2, Prague, 1991, p. 11 [refereed].
32. “Osamělost kůže zasykla v prostoru”, “Náprstek smrti se směje”, Tvorba 19, Prague, 1991, p. 11 [refereed].
33. “3 Poems”: “The Little Satchel of Silence”, “I Didn’t Come in Order to Forget”, “I Do Not Spring from the Earth”, The Boundaries of Twilight, An Anthology of Czech American Writing, ed. C. J. Hribal, New River Press, 1991, pp. 323-325 [tr. Volková with Lilli Parrott and Andrew Durkin, refereed].
34. “Hluchoněmá dlaň”, “Je nebe v trní a hvězdy”, “Jsem ztichlý ohňostroj”, “Už nejsem křídlo nejsem narození…”, “Toulavé sny”, A (Almanach autorů), 3, Prague, 1991, pp. 107-109.
35. “Verše z připravované sbírky” (18 poems), Listopad (Poems), Prague, 1991.
36. “The white morning unshackled itself above the aging city”, “What Happens on Park Avenue in New York on a January Day in 1983”,“In the little satchel of silence”, “The sounds of speech”, “I am a river dam that washes away that which comes back.”, “Birches trembled”, “I was a child”, “A mouth against mouth”, “Here in Charlottesville the roads ring”, Creative Writing Study Guide (textbook for correspondence creative writing course) by Karolyn Redoutey, Indiana University, 1993 (English/ W 203), Lesson 9: „Permission to Write,“ pp. 71-74 [tr. Volkova with Gregory Orr, Andrew Durkin, Willis Barnstone].
37. “Domy se roztrousily po zasněných ulicích”, “Neprýštím ze země”, “Zvuk větru mi připomíná řezané maso.”, “Když svítání utahovalo smyčku”, “Roztočená dvířka zemí se stmívají”, “Svou lásku dávám větru.”, “Spaluju se celá”, “Nevím”, “Ticho”, “Začátek”, “Ráno na Staten Islandu”, “Sami”, Tvar, 10, March 1992, Prague, p. 11 [refereed].
38. „Escape“ (a story), Witness, Autobiography, Detroit, Michigan, March 1992, pp. 68-96 [refereed].
39. “Sedm Básní”: “Všechno je daleko daleko”, “Jediná hmatatelnost”, “Vzpomínám na kroky utracené”, “Už nehučí vítr”, “Sníh padá k nesnesení dlouho”, “Píseň modrého ptáka”, “Mám srdce zrůžovělé jako ranní mlha”, Listopad, Prague 1992.
40. Best poems of the 90s, Distinguished Poets of America (National Library of Poetry), requested.
41. “Básně”: “Jak nudný je den, stín všech včerejšků”, “Odcizení”, “Nová hodina”, “Ved’ mě ke skále, která je vyšší než já.”, “Poslové víry vítají”, “Bytí se posouvá”, “Jsem mír – jsem tichý přelud vášně”, “Bezbřežní lázeň láce úžasná”, “Jak déšt’ se brodím ve vlnách”, “Do básně zapomínám sejít jako do nicoty.”, Listopad, Prague, 1993, p. 17-22.
42. Sebráno v New Yorku, in honor of Bohumil Krčil, requested 1993.
43. “A Certain Poem Comes as Fear” Visions 43, 1993 [refereed].
44. „Ocelový vzdech“ (The Steel Sigh, a story), Listopad 1994, pp. 25-30.
45. Poetry in Les Deux rives de la Morava, Poésie tchèque et slovaque d’aujourd’hui, édition et traductions de Vladimír Claude Fišera, seven collages of Albert Marenčin, collage of Jiří Kolář, design of Karel Teige, Éditions Bf, 1994, 244 pp., Strasbourg, France.
46. „Knedlíky a smysl života“ (“Dumplings and the Meaning of Life”, a story), Listopad, Prague 1995.
47. Poetry Selection from A Certain Absence published in Gymnazium v Děčíně, Almanach k 50. výročí obnovení činnosti školy, 1995.
48. “Hodina země/The Hour of the Earth”, ten part poem in Czech and English: Metamorphoses, Amherst, MA, Dec. 1996, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 56-63 [tr. Volková, refereed].
49. „I burn myself whole“, „I am balmy, balmy like a nymph“, El Locofoco, Eagle Pass, Texas, January 1996, p. 55 [refereed].
50. Poetry translated into Polish by S. Engelking, Literatura na swiecie [refereed].
51. Two Poems requested for Hands and Words, a handmade edition of best Czech artists and poets in collaboration, bilingual edition sponsored by the Office of President Havel, IREX etc., requested.
52. „Pět básní“ (Five Poems): “Spěchám domů.”, “Setkejme se v básni”, “Pohled’me do oken svých letmých náčiní”, “Léta odešla jak láska v zapomnění”, “Létající dny se vlní jako váha”, Listopad, Prague 1996.
53. „Eleven Poems“: “Day after day”, “I am an apple tree – I blossom”, “The green, the green next land”, “A long-past world lay down”, “And the yellow scent of jasmine”, “Into green wicker”, “Death in the throat”, “The meadows were on fire”, “And you’re gone”, “The shores of stubble”, “I am a magic woman.”, Kosmas: Czechoslovak and Central European Journal, Summer 1996, U. of Nebraska, Lincoln, Vol. 12, No.1, pp. 37-46 [tr. Volková, refereed].
54. “Proměny”/“Pět básní” (“Five Poems”): “Jsem divoký dech štvaného zvířete”, “Jsem mír – jsem tichý přelud vášně”, “Až odepneme své dlaně”, “Kam odcházíš má lásko”, “V mém domě je”, Aluze, Olomouc, 1997, Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 4-5 [refereed].
55. „My Body is a Vessel”, Massage Magazine September-October issue 1997, p. 176, CA [also on CD Rom, refereed].
56. Sequence of Poems, Linen Weave of Local Area Poets, tape 2, Bloomington, WFHB, 1997.
57. Poetry from Proměny (Transformations): “Ostrost nože je nepřímo úměrná”,“Ve všem co je vně, chybí konsistence.”,“Chvěju se jako strom v zimním větru”,“Kuši”,“Jsem bohyně a hraju si:”, Listopad, Prague, Liberec 1998, pp. 2-6.
58. “Kamenné domy” (“Stone Houses”, a story), “Tak jo” (“O.K.”, a one act play), Listopad, Liberec 1999, pp. 17-21.
59. “Na druhé straně měsíce ticho se proměňuje v motýla…” (6 poems from Vstup do světla / Entering Light): “Jsem věž do nebe upoutaná k zemi.”, “Bílý začátek”, “Ptáci se dnes probudili časně”, “Jsme bílé pokoje ztišené steskem z nepoznání.”, “Kočka je jenom kočka.”, “Mé tělo je živé”, Aluze 11, Olomouc 2000, pp. 3-5 [refereed].
60. “Like rain I ford the waves” in The Mending Wall 1, Farmington, WV, August 2000.
61. “Dítě”, “Dva hlasy” (“A Child”, “Two Voices”, stories), Listopad, Liberec 2000, pp. 19-20.
62. “Verše” (Ten poems): “Jak paví oko mezi hvězdami”,“Já a má Kuši”, “Oděly jsme své duše v těla”, “Jsem věž do nebe upoutaná k zemi”, “Na pobřeží bílý”, “Nevinnost”, “Opouštěje švy”, “Spočiňme v lásce”, “V nevinnosti jsme”, “Soulad s Duchem”, Listopad, Liberec 2001, pp. 25-30.
63. Seven poems: “Rekviem za ztracený svět”/ “Requiem for the Lost World”, “I když jsem ted’ Američankou”/“Even Though I Am an American Now”, “Pohled vhozený nedbale”/“A Glance Thrown Negligently”, “Stýská se mi”/“I Am Homesick”, “Vzduch mého dětství”/“The Air of My Childhood”, “Všechno je daleko, daleko”/“Everything Is So Far Away”, “Exil”/“Exile”, in Chuť ztraceného domova/ The Taste of a Lost Homeland, A Bilingual Anthology of Czech and Slovak Exile Poetry Written in America, ed. Věra Bořkovec, Prague/Pilsen, Czech Republic, 2002, pp. 142-148.
64. “Moje maminka, hrůza a já” (“My Mother, Terror and I”, a story), Listopad, Liberec, 2002, p. 13-18.
65. “I try being born”, “Into the doors and gates of your grace”, “You”, “I forget to go down into a poem like into nothingness”, “The battles are over”, “Eyes”, “Sometimes I am silent like a well”, “I am the water without the river-bed”, “I am the tower into the heavens chained to the earth”, “The white beginning”, “I no longer write”, “Dream”, Twelve poems in A Linen Weave of Bloomington Poets, ed. Jenny Kander, Wind Publishers, Lexington, KY, 2002, pp. 276-281.
66. “A shoreless bath a fabulous boast”, “A am not an Amazon – a warrior”, Two poems for Vespers: Contemporary American Poems of Religion and Spirituality, ed. Virgil Suárez and Ryan G. Van Cleave*, University of Iowa Press, Iowa, 2003 pp. 126-127 [refereed].
67. “We are…”, Collage/Poem, Pense Aqui/Think here, a Mail Art Magazine, No. 117, September 24-30, Brazil, 2003, p. 9.
68. “Verše” (“Poems”): “Saháme po světlu”, “Nejtišší píseň — ovce ztracených dní.”, “Zjevení přichází pomalu a zřídka”, “Jsem vesmírný duch, co je s ptákem v hodině jeho umírání”, “To jsem já — Tvá sestra Země”, Listopad, Prague 2003, pp. 13-15.
69. “Poems”: “Modré nebe a sníh nám nabízí”,“Touha zachází v nicotě tmy”,“Král Tut”, Město D, edition Nomisterion, Děčín, Nomisterion, 2004, pp. 19-22.
70. “Exil vnitřní a vnější” (“Exile Inside and Out”, an essay), Listopad, Prague, 2004, pp. 12-19.
71. “Čas jde tak pomalu”, Vrh křídel / Antologie české poezie (nejen) 20. století (Anthology of Czech Poetry [not only] of the 20th Century), ed. Petr Fabian, Vratislav Färber and Michal Jareš, www.sweb.cz/antologie/index.html, Prague, 2002-2004.
72. “I am”, in Poetry Vibes, Circle of Poets, Montreal, Canada, 2005. [no longer accessible]
73. “In the vacuum coating of dreams”, in Only the Sea Keeps: Poetry of the Tsunami, anthology to benefit the Tsunami victims, ed. Judith R. Robinson, Joan E. Bauer and Sankar Roy, Rupa and Co, New Delhi, India, 2005, Second edition Bayeux Arts of Calgary, Canada, 2005, p. 147 [refereed]. [Royalties from the sale of the book were donated to relief organizations serving the victim/survivors of the Tsunami and Katrina. Bestseller in India and voted among the best poems of 2005 in the U.S. The authors reading the poems can be also listened to on PoetsforHumanity.com [no longer accessible].
*74. “Tsunami Tsunami Tsunami”, in poetsforthetsunamivictims.org (electronic anthology), 2005 [refereed]. [NOT FOUND]
75. Poems (“Let’s Meet in a Poem”, “Death Is Sometimes”) and collage, in World Literature Today, September-December 2005, p. 58 [refereed].
76. “Byl čas” in Úvod do knihy žalmů v zrcadle poesie (Introduction into the Book of Psalms) by Josel Blaha, , Brno: Konečný, 2005, pp. 78-79.
77. “Smrt jako sémiotická událost (v dílech Máchy, Němcové, Nerudy, Čapka, Hrabala a Kundery)” (essay), Listopad 2005, pp. 5-20.
78. “A listí opadává a osamělost střech”/“And the foliage falls”, in The Dirty Goat, ed. Elzbieta Szoka and Joe W. Bratcher III, Host Publications, Austin, TX, 2006, p. 11 [tr. Volková, refereed].
79. 2 poems and 2 collages, www.writersalliance.net, multimedia website for victims of the genocide in Darfur [refereed, not accessible].
80. Illustration in Petr Mazanec: Krátké texty 4, Pelhřimov, Czech Republic.
81. “Zítra zazpívá slavík a další básně” (11 poems): “Zítra zazpívá slavík”, “Zítra už bude měsíc”, “Věci”, “Z říše básní”,“Láskyplný je bez žízně den, den bez zaváhání”, “Lásko, ty přicházíš”, “Kolik ještě básní a proč?”, “Každičkou noc”, “Čas odešel, věčnost se naplnila”, “Ano, víme už vše.”, Listopad, 2006, p. 5-9.
82. “Exile”, requested poem for the Proceedings of the Conference on Writer Uprooted, Indiana UP, 2008.
83. “Ve vakuovém povlaku snění”, “Jsme to, na co se díváme”, “Tantrická vize” (a series of four poems), Listopad, Praha, 2007, pp. 5-9.
84. “Láskyplný je bez žízně den” (three poems): “Láskyplný je bez žízně den, den bez zaváhání.”, “Každičkou noc”, “Čeho litovat?”, in Tahy (A Yearbook of Literature and Culture), Červený Kostelec: Pavel Mervart, Czech Republic, 2008, pp. 10-12.
*85. “It Might have Been a Very Long Time Ago”, Poetica Magazine, Norfolk, VA, The Holocaust Online Issue, 2009 [no longer accessible].
86. “Růžový keř” (4 poems) and “Zrození země” (4 poems): “Z tajemných hlubin”, “Úlomky lávy”, “Planeta je zrozena”, “Mnoho věků minulo”; “Ó zázraku, jenž přicházíš ke mně v nicotě prázdnoty”, “Lásko”, “Zdviháš mě ke svým výšinám”, “Ó ptáku zázračný”, Listopad, Czech Republic, 2008, pp. 5-7.
87. “Exile: Inside and Out” (an essay), The Writer Uprooted (Contemporary Jewish Exile Literature), Indiana UP, Bloomington-Indianapolis, 2008, pp. 161-176.
88. “It might have been a very long time ago”, Mizmor L’David Anthology, Volume I: The Shoah, Poetica Publishing Company, pp. 16-18.
89. “Srpnové básně”: “Sedmkrát jsem obešla zemi”, “Nezpívám. Písně mi ubývá.”, “Jak asi vypadá radost?”, “Perfectum mobile?”; transl. from English original: “Počítač ohlašuje prázdný dokument”, “Nespěchej domů, i když je dobře tam”, “Spi můj miláčku, můj něžný sne”, “Spíme beze slov, bez zanícení”, “Ještě jeden život — ještě jedna cesta”, “Ano, jsou jiné sféry.” “Variace na básně Rumiho” Listopad, 2009, p. 5-11.
90. „Smrt v hrdle“, „Lásko má“, Přišla zima“, „Chci tě mít tady, na teplé zemi“ in Antologie české poezie od r. 1966 do současnosti (Anthology of Czech Poetry from 1966 to the Present), red. Jan Šulc, Praha: dybbuk, 2010.
91. „Из „Да навлезеш в светлина“ / From the poems’ book „Entering light“: „On the other side of the moon“, „I am the tower into the heavens“, „You are my love, my soulmate“, „When we finally become“, http://www.litclub.com/library/prev/volkova/index.html, tr. into Bulgarian by Dimana Ivanova.
92. 11 poems in Znaci translated by Dimana Ivanova, Varna: Slavjanska literaturna i artistična akademija, Bulgaria, 2011, p. 122-125.
93. “Křišťálový sen”, “Několik variant z kolínského a cambridgeského období (1975-1978)”; Tahy 2011, Pardubice, Czech Republic, p. 158-164.
94. “The field comes to me”, Writers’ Guild of Bloomington website, March-April 2012.
95. “V poezdax cepeneli nogi”, “Zvezdy – ženskogo roda”, “Net posrednika”, “Bytie dvižetsja”, “Zavtra mesjac uže budet” (in Russian translation by Oleg Malevič) in Al’manax Akademia Poezii, Moskva: Moskovskij pisatel’, 2012.
96. “Ekzil”, Zvuk vitru”, ‘Divljusja v vodi” (in Ukrainian translation by Viktor Melnyk) in Vinnic’ka gazeta, No. 16, 2. 24. 2012 (www.vin-gazeta.net.ua)
97. “Letjaščo stixotvorenie», «Kogato si trgneš i srdceto perestane da uxae», «Bjaloto utro», «Ne izrivam ot zemjata» (in Bulgarian translation by Dimana Ivanova) in Znaci 2, 2012, p. 65-67.
98. «Двенадцать стихотворений из разных книг» (Twelve Poems from Various Books), self-translation into Russian, in Planeta poetov 6, Biblioteka MAPP (International Association of Writers and Journalists), Riga, 2012.
99. “Poems” in More, Sofija, Bulgaria, translated by Dimana Ivanova, 2012.
100. Five poems (in English and Romanian) in Gates of Poetry, Romanian translation by Christina Zafiropol Illias, Resita, Romania.
101. “An Invitation to Be”/Pozvání k bytí, in Gates of Poetry II.
102. Ten Poems in Ziarul Actualitatea Literara, No. 34, August-September 2013, p. 16. Lugos, Romania, translated into Romanian by Ela Iakab, http://www.ziarulactualitatea.ro/actualitatea-literara/actualitatea-literara-nr-34-august-septembrie-2013/
103. Four poems from Az sym tvojata sydba, in Slovoto dnes, November 14, 2013
104. Poems in Ukrainian translation by Viktor Melnyk, Ukrainska literaturna gazeta, No. 8, March 2014.
105. „Wiersze“ (bilingual, Czech poems and their Polish translations by Julia Róźewicz) in Almanach Prowincjonalny / Czarno na białym 19, Racibórz, May 2014, p. 38-39.
106. „Prosvíjíme se sladkou křečí těla“, „Ukolébavka snu“ , in Pastýři noci, Almanach českých básníků 2014, ed. Vladimír Stibor, Prague: Protis.
107. Five poems from Az sam tvojata sydba in Vezni 3, 2014, p. 152- 154, Sofia, Bulgaria, translated by Dmitar Stefanov.
108. “Stone Houses”, a story in Remote Sky No. 4, Fall 2014.
109. „Poetesata Bronislava Volkova v B“lgarija“, author’s speech during presentation of her book in Sophia, translated into Bulgarian by Dimitar Stefanov, Homo Bohemicus (Journal of Czech Literary Studies), kn. 1/2014, p. 91-92, Sophia, Bulgaria.
110. Six poems in Russian Translation by author, edited by Tat’jana Žitkova in Al’manax 2014, Akademija Poezii, Moscow, Russia, p. 257
111. „Poezia ceha: Bronislava Volková“, Five poems in Romanian translation by Christina Zafiropol-Illias, Poezia, Winter 2014, p. 189-191, Iasi, Romania.
112. . 5 stixotvorenij v originale i avtorskom perevode s Irinoj Sileckoj, Festival’ “Slavjanskie tradicii – 2014 v Prage”, p. 19-24.
113. 5 stixotvorenij v originale i avtorskom perevode s Irinoj Sileckoj, LitEra, Literaturnyj Al’manax No. 9, Praga 2014, p. 124-129.
114. Biography and Poetry in three languages (Czech, English and Spanish) in http://poetasdelmundo.com/detalle-poetas.php?id=8782
115. “11 variants of poems from Charlottesvile period (1981)” and 12 collages (A srdce bije, Ptáci, Cestou nikam, V nesmírnosti chtění, In your Palm, La Vie en Rose, Looking for a Frame for a Found Picture, Light Blue on Light Blue, Look!, Love Trumps Fear, Open, Reaching, Same, yet not the Same), in Partonyma, a Literary Quarterly 4, No 13, 2015, p. 61-66, 43, 48, 56, 60, 67, 76, 84, 92, 100, 118, 138, 143.
116. 4 poems by BV in Bulgarian in Znaci, XII, 2015, 2, p. 97-99, translation by Dimitar Stefanov and Dimana Ivanova.
117. “Příkré prameny vod” varianta, “Naděje nymfy”, “A nyní”, ”Černá židle”, “Česko” varianta in Rybáři odlivu, Almanach básníků 2015, Praha 2015, ed. Vladimír Stibor.
118. Biography and 4 poems by BV in Czech and Russian in Pražskij parnass, Al’manax poezii (Sojuz russkojazyčnyx pisatelej Češskoj respubliki).
119. Poem in three languages in Anthology of the Butterfly, a unique book of texts of contemporary Slavic and Latin-American poets, Bogotá, Colombia, in print.
120. “Ne prskam iz zemlje” , 10 poems by BV in Croatian translation by Matija Ivačić in Književna Rijeka 3-4, XX, jesen-zima 2015, pp. 227-234, Rijeka, Croatia.
Author’s Readings & Exhibits:
Solo readings, programs and exhibits (full evening performance or solo exihibits) are marked by an asterisk)
1. Poetry Reading at the International Conference of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences, Toronto, Canada, October 1984.
2. Poetry Reading at the International Conference of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences, Boston, MA, September, 1986.
*3. Poetry Reading for the Slavic Department of Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, November 1986.
4. Poetry Reading at the AATSEEL National Convention, December, New York, 1986.
5. Poetry Reading at the AATSEEL National Convention, San Francisco, December 1987.
6. Poetry Reading for Systems Research & Cybernetics International Conference, Baden Baden, West Germany, August 1988.
7. Poetry Reading for Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences of Switzerland and University of Bern, May 1989.
*8. Poetry Reading in Arkýř Bookstore in Munich, May 1989.
*9. Poetry Reading from Six Books of Original Poetry in Karel Čapek Bookstore,
Prague, June 1989.
10. Poetry Reading at the Great Indiana Readathon, PBS, Indiana University TV, Bloomington, April 7,1990. Filmed.
11. Poetry Reading, April, September 1990, Bloomington, The Bellevue Gallery.
*12. Poetry reading in the Barefoot Museum, Bloomington, April 1991.
*13. Hlas odjinud (A Voice from Elsewhere), series „Authors read“, an evening of original poetry in Viola, Prague, June 1991, musical accompaniment Božena Kronychová, piano. Filmed by Petr Kotyk for Museum of Czech Literature, Strahov.
14. Poetry reading for the Omega Society, Bloomington, October 1991. Filmed.
15. Poetry reading for World Congress of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences,
Prague, June 1992.
16. Poetry Reading in Poetry of the Spirit, John Waldron Arts Center, Bloomington, IN, April 17, 1993, music by Alex Mercedes, televised (Channel 3). Filmed.
17. Poetry Reading in Bloomington Poets on the Cutting Edge, John Waldron Arts Center in Bloomington, IN, June 12,1993. Filmed.
*18. Courage of the Rainbow, Poetry reading at Indiana University Arts Museum, September 17, 1993. Filmed.
19. Poetry Reading of Czech Women Poets by Visions International in Rock Creek Gallery, Washington, D.C., co-sponsored by The Czech Embassy, May 12, 1994.
*20. When I Dance, I Smell of Colors, poetry performance by actors of the National Theater in Lyra Pragensis, Lobkovic Palace on the Prague Castle, May 17, 1994.
*21. Poetry reading presented by the Association of the Organizations of Slovak Writers in the Public Library, Bratislava, June 1, 1994.
22. Poetry reading at the World Congress of SVU, Prague, June 1994.
*23. Poetry Reading, Canterbury Bookstore, Madison, WI, September 1994.
*24. Poetry Reading for the Indiana Slavic Dept. Summer School, July 1995.
25. Poetry Reading for the Prague Summer Writers‘ Workshop with A. Lustig in Viola, Prague, August 1995.
*26. Poetry Reading, Globe Bookstore, Prague, November 21, 1995.
*27. Poetry Reading (bilingual), U Knihomola, Prague, February 27, 1996. Accompaniment: Jaroslav Pelikán (flute) and Jaroslav Novák(guitar).
*28. Roztříštěné světy (Shattered Worlds), poetry reading, Památník písemnictví, Sál Boženy Němcové, International PEN Club, Prague, April 2, 1996. With actor Rudolf Kvíz, Jaroslav Pelikán (flute) and Jaroslav Novák (guitar).
29. Poetry read by Dennis Morbin in a Meditation workshop in the House of Reiki and Meditations, Orličky, Czech Republic, April 1996.
30. Bilingual Poetry Reading for National ALTA Conference in Bloomington, IN, Nov. 1996.
31. Poetry Reading in The Odd Stew, Gallery, Indiana University Memorial Union, July 1997.
32. Poetry Reading in A Poetry-Music Happening, John Waldron Arts Center, Bloomington, Oct. 4, 1997. Filmed.
33. Poetry Reading in The Linen Weave of Local Area Poets, Barnes and Noble, Bloomington, October 1997.
*34. Poetry Reading at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Olomouc, Czech Republic, Dec. 17, 1997.
*35. Courage of the Rainbow, Poetry Reading at the Globe Bookstore, Prague, Czech Rep., Dec. 18, 1997.
36. Where there is no Boundary, poetry reading, International Center, IU, Bloomington, March 8, 1998. Filmed.
37. There was time, Choreographed performance of poetry suite with Windfall Dancers,
choreographer Scott Jones, Auditorium, John Waldron Arts Center, April 4, 3PM, 8PM,
April 11, Area 10 Center in Ellettsville, 3 PM, 1998. Filmed.
*38. Motáky do uší pěny/Prison Notes Smuggled into the Ears of Sea Foam, Poetry Reading in Czech and English from the prepared bilingual book for the Summer Language Workshop at IU, July 29, 1998.
39. Several Poetry Readings on WFHB, Bloomington in the series on World Poetry (both original and English translations of other Czech and Slovak poets), 1998, 99.
*40. Poetry Reading and Signing of Prison Notes Smuggled into the Ears of Sea Foam at Barnes & Noble Bookstore, November 1999, Bloomington, IN.
*41. Poetry Reading for the Slavic Summer School of Indiana University, July 2000.
*42. Bilingual Poetry Reading and Signing from Motáky do uší pěny/ Prison Notes into the Ears of Sea Foam at the National Library in Prague, October 2000; under the auspices of Charles University, CIEE and the American Embassy in Prague. Foreword: Doc. Vladimír Novotný, musical accompaniment: Markéta Osmayerová.
*43. Bilingual Poetry Reading, Signing and Exhibition of Collages from Proměny/ Transformations (1st bilingual sequence) at the National Library in Prague, February 2001; under the auspices of Charles University, CIEE and The American Embassy in Prague. Foreword: Christopher Midura (Cultural Attaché) and Doc. Vladimír Novotný; musical accompaniment Prof. Dagmar Zárubová, violin.
*44. Bilingual Poetry Reading, Signing and Exhibition of Collages from Proměny/Transformations (2nd bilingual sequence) in Řehoř Samsa Bookstore, Vodičkova 38, Prague, April 2001. Music accompaniment Dagmar Zárubová, violin.
*45. Poetry Reading, Signing and Exhibition of Collages from Proměny/Transformations (1st sequence) at the Poděbrady Castle under the auspices of Charles University, Prague, May 2001. Music accompaniment Dagmar Zárubová, violin.
46. Poetry Reading, Barnes & Noble in remembrance of events of September 11, October 2001, Bloomington, IN.
*47. Bilingual Poetry Reading and Signing from Vstup do světla/Entering Light at Týnská Literary Café, Prague, November 2001, introduction Doc. Dr. Věra Hoffmannová, musical accompaniment Dagmar Zárubová, violin.
*48. Evening of Czech Poetry and Art, International Center of Indiana University, March 27, 2002: reading and signing of Proměny/Transformations with an exhibit of author’s
collages. Organized by students of IU.
49. Bilingual Poetry Reading for The Taste of a Lost Homeland at the 21st World Congress of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences, Pilsen, June 2002.
50. Poetry Reading at Nine Exiled Poets, poetry performance at Hopetoun Alpha for the City of Auckland, New Zealand, July 18, 2003.
51. Transforming the Absence, poetry reading at the International Conference on Poetics of Exile, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, July 17-19, 2003.
52. Poetry Reading with Steve Gardner in Runcible Spoon Poetry Series, Bloomington, August 27, 2003.
*53. Entering Light, a multimedia poetry performance with collage, dance and music,
John Waldron Art Center, Bloomington, October 23, 2003. Filmed by CATS, turned into a DVD by Robert Dietz.
54. Poetry Reading for International Night of Runcible Spoon Poetry Series,
Bloomington, October 24, 2003.
55. Literary Inspirations, poetry reading for an Art Exhibit at Bellevue Gallery, January 2004.
*56. Proměny nepřítomnosti, poetry reading in the Czech PEN Club,
introduction by Josef Hrubý, violin Dagmar Zárubová, Prague, June 22, 2004. Filmed by Petr Kotyk for Museum of Czech Literature, Strahov.
57. Transforming the Absence, bilingual poetry reading at the World Congress of SVU,
Olomouc, June 27-July 3, 2004.
*58. Autorské čtení, Poetry Reading in the Slovak PEN Club, City Library, Bratislava, June 30, 2004, introduction by Igor Hochel.
59. Poets for Peace, Poetry Reading to commemorate the victims of 9/11, Unitarian Universalist Church, Bloomington, IN, September 2004 (filmed by local TV station CATS, broadcasted on Channel 3).
60. Poetry Reading in Runcible Spoon (organized by Hartrock Poetry Series), October 2004.
*61. Verše z Ameriky (Verses from America), poetry reading at The City Library of Děčín, November 26, 2004, introduction by the Director, Mgr. Ladislav Zoubek.
62. Poetry Reading at the opening of the Exhibit “Literary Inspirations” at Bellevue Gallery, Bloomington, January 2005.
*63. Born out of Darkness (multimedia performance of poetry and signing), John Waldron Art Center, Bloomington, May 25, 2005; with projection of collages, dance by Contact Collective and piano accompaniment of Hakan Toker). Filmed by Robert Dietz.
*64. Born out of Darkness (repetition), Indianapolis Art Center, June 17, 2005. Both performances were in part supported by the Indiana Arts Comission. Filmed by Robert Dietz.
*65. Ze tmy zrozená, bilingual poetry reading in The Globe Bookstore, Prague, June 2005.
*66. Born out of Darkness, bilingual poetry reading with collages and music (Hakan Toker), IU Slavic Dept. Summer Workshop, Bloomington, July 2005.
*67. Entering Light, poetry reading with cello accompaniment by Lucio Amanti, Indianapolis Artsgarden, November, 2005. Filmed and recorded.
68. World Community Voices, poetry reading, Runcible Spoon, Bloomington, November 2005.
*69. Poetry of Exile, Seminar on Minor Slavic Cultures Workshop, University of Chicago, Chicago, February 9, 2006.
*70. The Slightest Reminder… English CD release reading and discussion, IU, CAHI, Feb. 2006 (Introduction by and dialogue with Maria Banerjee-Němcová, Smith College Northampton).
*71. Nejmenší připomínka… Czech CD release reading and discussion, Neoluxor (Palác knihy, largest bookstore in Prague), May 2006, Prague (Introduction by and dialogue with Doc. Dr. Alena Morávková, violin accompaniment Dagmar Zárubová).
*72. Collage solo exhibit in Neoluxor (Palác knihy), May 2006.
*73. Nejmenší připomínka… Czech CD release reading and discussion at the Prague Jewish Cultural Center, May 2006 (Introduction by and dialogue with Dr. Vladimír Novotný, PhD.). Accompanied by collage and film projections. Music, Dagmar Zárubová (violin), Božena Kronychová (piano). Filmed by Petr Kotyk for Museum of Czech Literature, Strahov.
74. Books, CDs and DVDs on exhibit in Poets House Show Case, New York, N.Y. 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007.
*75. Light Meets Darkness, a 1 hour poetry reading and lecture with piano accompaniment by Ashley Toms for Forgotten Treasures Bookstore in Ellettsville, Dec. 1, 2007. Filmed by Rob Dietz.
76. Poetry reading in Spanish at the 74th World Congress of International PEN, Bogotá, Columbia, Sept 17-22, 2008.
*77. “Žijeme jako ve snu”, poetry reading with collage projection and musical accopaniment by Jiří Dědeček (guitar); Introduction by the President of the a Czech PEN Club Jiří Dědeček and U.S. Cultural Attaché David Gainer, Czech PEN Club, Prague, June 18, 2009. Filmed for the PEN TV.
*78. “Žijeme jako ve snu”, poetry reading with collage projection and musical accompaniment by Dagmar Zárubová (violin); Introduction by Doc. Věra Hoffmannová, Poděbrady Castle, June 23, 2009 (filmed).
79. “Variations on Rumi’s Poems”, reading at Peace Poetry and Song, Pour House Café, Bloomington, Sept. 18, 2009 (filmed and repeatedly broadcasted by CATS).
*80. “A pít budem ze studní lahodných…“, poetry reading with collage projections, International Conference for Czech Teachers, Poděbrady Castle, June 2010.
81. „And Drink We Will from Delectable Wells…“, poetry reading in the Hart Rock Poetry Series, April 22, 2011 at Rachel’s Café, Bloomington.
82. Poetry Readings in Varna and Dobric, Bulgaria at the Slavic Poetry Festival Slavjanska pregradka, May 2011.
*83. „A pít budem ze studní lahodných…“, PEN Prague, a poetry reading with projections of collages, June 2, 2011.
*84. „Selections from 20th Century Czech Poetry“, Lecture/Reading for the Slavic Summer Workshop, Indiana University, Bloomington, July 19, 2011.
*85. Vzpomínky moře, reading and signing, as well as opening of retrospective exhibition of collages, Prague: Libri Prohibiti, January 26, 2012, Introduction doc. Vladimír Novotný, musical accompaniment Pavel Steidl, guitar.
*86. Bronislava Volková reads from her Poetry and Translations, Lemonstone Series of the Bloomington Writers Guilld, Sweet Claire’s, Bloomington, April 20, 2012.
*87. Vzpomínky moře, reading in the Konvikt, Olomouc, 15.5. 2012
88. „Vzpomínky moře“, reading at the PEN section of Prague International Bookfair, May 19, 2012.
89. Reading at the Slavic International Poetry Festival (Slavjanska pregradka), Varna, Bulgaria, 25.5. 2012.
90. Reading at Jenny Kander’s Celebration, April 14, 2013, Monroe County History Center, 202 E 6th St.
*91. The Sea Recalls, poetry reading with piano accompaniment of Božena Steinerová, May 8, 2013, Náměstí Jana IV z Dražic, 2410 Hostivice.
*92. Listy života a smrti, poetry reading with the accompaniment of Božena Steinerová (piano) and Alexander Shonert (violin), May 13, Kounický palác, Praha 1, Pánská ulice 7.
*93. Listy života a smrti, poetry reading with the accompaniment of Alexander Shonert (violin) and Natalie Shonertová (piano), May 14, 2013, Centrum permanentního zdraví Cordeus, Na Dlouhém lánu 11, Praha 6.
*94. Listy života a smrti, poetry reading with the accompaniment of Alexander Shonert (violin), second reader Alois Volkman, Husův sbor, Praha 6, May 17, 2013.
95. Reading at the International Poetry Festival „The Gates of Poetry“ at Resita, Romania, May 30-June 2.
96. Reading at Steve Gardner’s Celebration of Life Concert, Twin Lakes City Lodge, Bloomington, June 15, 2013.
97. Reading at July 4th celebration at David Brykalski’s community breakfast.
98. Reading and presentation Az sam tvojata sadba, City Library, Nadežda Hall, Sophia, Bulgaria, November 28, 2013. Presented by Dimitar Stefanov, Atanas Zvezdinov, Nadya Popova, reading by actress Krasimira Kazandžieva.
99. Presentation of Az sam tvojata sadba, University of Sophia, 3/6/2014.
100. Art exhibit in the Emeriti House, Indiana University, Bloomington, yearly.
101. Exibit of collages and poetry reading in Děčín-Podmokly, Czech Republic (http://ukradenagalerie.cz), streetart project in Zbrojnická st., opening and reading in Bodenbach café, June 5, 2014.
102. Poets House Showcase, New York, Exhibit of 2013 titles. Opening: June 26, 2014.
103. Poetry Presentation. L’vovskij Nacional’nyj Universitet imeni Ivana Franko, presentacija poezii, v ramkax XXI Foruma izdatelej Ukrainy, with Viktor Melnyk translator, Andžela Dimčeva and Bojka Dragomireckaja, Ivan Lučuk coordinator, September 12, 1914.
104. Poetry Presentation. Vinnits’kij Deržavnyj Pedagogičeskij Universitet imeni M.M. Kocjubyns’kogo, with Viktor Melnyk traslator, Olexander Vešeleni coordinator, Andžela Dimčeva and Bojka Dragomireckaja, Sepbember 15, 2014.
105. Poetry Presentation. Knigarnja E, with Viktor Melnyk translator, Olexander Vešeleni coordinator, Andžela Dimčeva and Bojka Dragomireckaja, Sepbember 15, 2014.
106. Poetry Presentation. Kievskij Universitet imeni Grinčenko, with Viktor Melnyk translator, Jaroslav Poliščuk coordinator, September 17, 2014.
107. Poetry Presentation. National Museum of Literature of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, with Viktor Melnyk translator, Lilija Čorna coordinator, Oles’ Koljada performer, September 17, 2014.
108. Poetry Presentation. Nacional’nyj Aviacijnyj Universitet, with Viktor Melnyk translator, Stanislav Bondarenko coordinator.
109. Collage exhibit of 60 images in the Akademia Bookstore, Wenceslas Square, Prague, October 2014. Opening and poetry reading on October 1, Introduction by Dr. Markéta Ježková, National Gallery advisor.
110. Poetry reading from Neprinaležnist’ with Mykola Martynjuk (publisher) at Ukrainian Studies, Charles University, Prague, October 23, 2014.
111. Collage exhibit of 60 images at the University of Pardubice , November 4 – Dec.1, 2014. Opening with poetry reading on Nov. 4, Introduction by Dr. Ivo Říha, Dean Prof. Dr. Petr Vorel and Doc. Dr. Vladimír Novotný.
112. Presentation of poetry in Czech and Russian, Festivals Slavjanskie tradicii and Den poezie, Prague, November 2, 3, 6, 8, 10 “Poezie v kameni – let”.
113. Poetry reading and collage presentation at Děčín Gymnáizum 31. 3. 2015.
114. Poetry Reading with Projection of Collages: Podvečer s prof. Bronislavou Volkovou: http://www.czechlit.cz/cz/akce/podvecer-s-prof-bronislavou-volkovou/, Prague SVU, Academy of Sciences, Oct. 8, 2105.
115. Poetry reading in Czech and Croatian at the festival Galovićeva jesen’in Koprivnica: www.dhk.hr, October 21 – 25, 2015.
116. Poetry Reading, Den poezie literary festival, Literární kavárna v Ryttířské, Nov. 22, 2015, „Pocta Vladimíru Holanovi“.
1117. Poetry Reading in Czech and Bulgarian from АЗ СЪМ ТВОЯТА СЪДБА, translation into Bulgarian of selected poems of Bronislava Volková by Dimitar Stefanov in Bulgarian Cultural Institute, Prague, Dec. 8, 2015. Introduction of the author by Dimana Ivanova, bki.cz, JÁ JSEM TVŮJ OSUD. Básnická sbírka Bronislavy Volkové. https://www.facebook.com/events/704793026287094/
1. *“Entering Light“, A multimedia poetry performance with collage, dance and music,
John Waldron Art Center, Bloomington, October 23, 2003. Filmed by local TV station CATS and shown repeatedly on local TV channel.
2. *Born out of Darkness, A multimedia performance of poetry, dance, visual art and music, John Waldron Arts Center, Bloomington, May 25, 2005. Filmed by Rob Dietz.
3. *Born out of Darkness, multimedia performance of poetry, dance, visual art and music, Indianapolis Art Center, June 3, 2005. Filmed by Rob Dietz.
4. *The Sea Recalls, A multimedia performance of poetry, collage, music and dance, October 3, 2013, 7 PM at Faculty Room of University Club, IMU, Indiana University, Bloomington (with Alexander Shonert, violin, Allana Radecki and Joanne Shank, dance). Filmed by David Derkacy and CATS Bloomington TV station.
5.* The Sea Recalls, A multimedia performance of poetry, collage, music and dance, October 8, 2013, 3 PM at the Emeriti House, Indiana University, Bloomington (with Alexander Shonert, violin, Allana Radecki and Joanne Shank, dance). Filmed by Natalie McKamey.
From Czech to English:
1. „Vl. Holan, three poems“, with A. Durkin, Contemporary East European Poetry, An Anthology, Ardis, Ann Arbor, MI, 1983, 205-207 (Volek).
2. „Seifert, Kolář“, translations, Poetry East, Global Issue, 1990.
3. „Holan, Mikulášek, Skácel“, translations with A. Durkin and J. Felak; Boundaries of Twilight, Anthology of Czech American Writing, New River Press, 1991.
4. Olga Neveršilová: „Without Words“, Visions 43, 1993.
5. Jaroslav Seifert: „A Song from an Intermezzo“, anthologized in The Last Believer in Words, Poetry East 45/46, 1998.
6. Buzászy, Hochel, Orten, Mikulášek for WFHB, Bloomington 2000.
7. Zahradníček for WFHB program on Prison Poets, Bloomington, 2004.
8. Between Texts, Languages, and Cultures, A Festschrift for Michael Henry Heim, ed. by Craig Cravens, Masako U. Fidler & Susan C. Kresin, Slavica Publishers, 2008: “Four Poems” ((Skácel, Hauková, Diviš, Volková, original and translated with Clarice Cloutier), p. 263-270.
9. Up the Devil’s Back (Bilingual Anthology of 20th Century Czech Poetry) edited and translated with Clarice Cloutier, see scholarly publications.
10. Viktor Melnyk and Tat’jana Žitkova, translations from Ukrainian and Russian poetry into Czech, Aluze, Olomouc, accepted.
10. Markéta Pilátová: “In the City of Cities” for Anthology of the Butterfly, a unique book of texts of contemporary Slavic and Latin-American poets, Bogotá, Colombia, in print.
From other Languages:
1. 6 poems by Viktor Melnyk and Marius Chelaru in translation from Ukrainian and Romanian to Czech, Tvar, Prague, 2015, 10, p. 9.
2. 5 poems of Tat’jana Žitkova in translation from Russian to Czech in Tat’jana Žitkova: Ob”edinennye svetom, Riga 2014.
3. 3 poems by P.K. Javorov in translation from Bulgarian to Czech in …A možexme, rodino svidna!, Biblioteka Slavjanska pregradka, 2015, ed. Elka Njagolova, p. 140-144.
Reviews of The Writer Uprooted:
1. East European Jewish Affairs
Vol. 39, No. 2, August 2009, 289–314
ISSN 1350-1674 print/ISSN 1743-971X online
DOI: 10.1080/13501670903016365
2. Shofar, Samuel Rosenthal Center for Judaic Studies http://www.case.edu/artsci/rosenthal/reviews/Uprooted.htm
Reviews of Up the Devil’s Back (A Bilingual Anthology of 20th Century Czech Poetry):
1. Czech Dialogue 7-8, 2009, str. 32-33, reviews by Venda Šebrlová and by Jiřina Fuchsová.
2. Prague Post, Dec 9, 2009 [http://www.praguepost.com/tempo/3031-bilingual-poetry-volume-collects-work-of-65-wordsmiths.html] (announcement by Stephan Delbos)
3. SEEJ, vol. 54, No. 4, Winter 2010, review by Kirsten Lodge, p. 708-709.
4. Convorbiri Literare, Journal the Union of Romanian Writers, review by Marius Chelaru: “O antologie de poezie ceha” (http://convorbiri-literare.ro/?p=1438), 2013.
Reviews of Poetry Books:
Svědectví (Témoinage), France, 1985, 1986, 1988.
Reportér, Switzerland, 1985.
Pater Noster, Austria, 1984.
Obrys/Kontur, West Germany,1986.
Listy, Italy, 1988.
Mladá Fronta, Czechoslovakia, 1991.
Romboid, Czechoslovakia, 1991.
Dotyky 6, Czechoslovakia, 1991.
Literární noviny, Czechoslovakia, April 1992
Rok, Czechoslovakia, 1992
Iniciály, Prague, 1992.
Publisher’s Weekly, USA, June 14, 1993.
Lidová demokracie, Czech Republic, July 1994.
Nové knihy, Czech Republic (reviews Listopad yearly).
World Literature Today, USA Winter 1995.
Proglas, Brno, Czech Republic, Vol. 8, 1996, 47-48.
Tvar 8, Prague, 1997.
Host, Brno 1998.
“Entering Light” by Maria Němcová Banerjee in Kosmas, Czechoslovak and Central European Journal, USA, 2003.
“Proměny” by Mojmír Trávníček, Zprávy spolku českých bibliofilů v Praze 2/2003.
“Proměny/Transformations”, by Deborah Garfinkle, Kosmas, Fall 2004.
“Ze tmy zrozená/Born out of Darkness“ (each volume of monolingual collection) by Deborah Garfinkle, Kosmas, Spring 2006, Vol. 19, No.2.
Review of Az sa tvojata sadba, in Homo Bohemicus, kn.1, 2014, by Atanas Zvezdinov, p. 93-97.
Reviews of The Writer Uprooted:
1. East European Jewish Affairs
Vol. 39, No. 2, August 2009, 289–314
ISSN 1350-1674 print/ISSN 1743-971X online
DOI: 10.1080/13501670903016365
2. Shofar, Samuel Rosenthal Center for Judaic Studies http://www.case.edu/artsci/rosenthal/reviews/Uprooted.htm
Reviews of Up the Devil’s Back (A Bilingual Anthology of 20th Century Czech Poetry):
1. Czech Dialogue 7-8, 2009, str. 32-33, reviews by Venda Šebrlová and by Jiřina Fuchsová.
2. Prague Post, Dec 9, 2009 [http://www.praguepost.com/tempo/3031-bilingual-poetry-volume-collects-work-of-65-wordsmiths.html] (announcement by Stephan Delbos)
3. SEEJ, vol. 54, No. 4, Winter 2010, review by Kirsten Lodge, p. 708-709.
4. Convorbiri Literare, Journal the Union of Romanian Writers, review by Marius Chelaru: “O antologie de poezie ceha” (http://convorbiri-literare.ro/?p=1438), 2013.
Review of Neprinaležnist’ in Bukvoid, Vinnica, 14-11-2014 by Oleg Solovej, 11 pages.
“Sebrané vzpomínky moře”, a review of Vzpomínky moře (collected poems) by Ivo Harák in Tahy, 2014, p. 65-70.
“За книгата „Аз съм твоята съдба“ на чешката поетеса Бронислава Волкова” in Literaturen Vestnik, 23-29. 09. 2015, p. 6, Sofija, Bulgarija by Dimana Ivanova.
Interviews, Radio, TV Programs, Films and Websites of Bronislava Volková’s Poetry and Prose:
Bronislava Volková, Portraits of Czech Authors in Exile, film by Ota Filip, Munich, 1985.
BBC, London 1986
1994 (2 programs).
Deutschlandfunk, Cologne 1986.
Voice of America, Munich 1988.
Voice of America, Washington, 1990
Textbook for a Correspondence Course in Creative Writing (English W 203) by Karolyn Redoutey, Indiana University, Bloomington, 1991, Lesson 9: „Permission to Write,“ pp. 75-77.
Hlas odjinud, (Voice from Elsewhere) film by Petr Kotyk of Viola reading, Archives, Monument of National Literature, Prague, 1990.
Czechoslovak Radio, Prague, 1990
1991 (2 programs)
Tvar, Prague, 1992 (Jiří Zahradnický).
Czech State Radio 1993 (3 programs)
1994 (2 programs).
Smena, Bratislava, June 7, 1994.
Prague Post, July 1994: „Bronislava Volkova: The Poet as Healer“ by Alan Levy.
Tvar, Prague, October 5, 1995 (Marie Správcová).
Prague Post, September 20-26, 1995, interview with Alan Levy.
Tvar 18, Prague, November 2, 1995 (Božena Správcová).
WFHB, Bloomington, 1997 (3 programs).
Czech Radio, Kulturní kaleidoskop, Olomouc, Jan. 9, 1998.
Hanácké noviny, Olomouc, Jan. 5, 1998 (Petr Hanuška).
Czech Radio, Kulturní magazín, Prague, Spring 1998 (Jiří Salvet)
WFHB, Bloomington, 1999 (3 programs)
WFHB, Bloomington, summer of 2000: a program of Czech poetry (Orten, Mikulášek) and a program of Slovak poetry (Buzássy, Hochel).
WFIU, Bloomington, one program in summer 2000 of original poetry.
„Being shifts“, http://www.endicott.edu/Academics/ArtsSciences-Academics/ArtsSciencesIWLI.aspx (Website on International Women’s Literature, 2001).
„Lead me to a rock higher than me“, „Grey smudges from the troughs of passions“, Poems in New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (“Nine Exiled Poets” page), http://www.nzepc.auckland.ac.nz/features/exile/index.asp, 2003.
„Čas jde tak pomalu“, www.sweb.cz/antologie/index.html Vrh křídel/Antologie české poezie (nejen) 20. století [Anthology of Czech Poetry (not only) of 20th Century], Petr Fabian, Vratislav Färber, Michal Jareš, editors.
“Entering Light”, Indiana Daily Student, Bloomington, 2003.
Entering Light, CATS film of a multimedia performance, Bloomington, 2003, played repeatedly on TV channel 3, 2003-2004.
Proměny nepřítomnosti (Transformations of the Absence), film by Petr Kotyk of PEN reading, Archives, Monument of National Literature, Prague, 2004.
Interview for the Bulletin of Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences, Olomouc, June 2004.
Interview for Czech Radio, Děčín, November 2004.
“IU Artist, Professor Performs Work Locally,” Indiana Daily Student, May 26, 2005.
bronislavavolkova.com (bilingual website)
Born out of Darkness, DVD by Rob Dietz 2005.
Entering Light DVD of multimedia performance, filmed by CATS 2003, adjusted by Rob
Dietz, 2006.
Entering Light CD and DVD of poetry reading in Indianapolis Artsgarden with cello accompaniment by Lucio Amanti, November 2005.
“Bronislava Volková: Zranitelnost země”, Listování v tvorbě české básnířky, žijící v
USA. (Připravila a hovoří Alena Morávková, Účinkuje Hana Maciuchová, Hudební spolupráce Pavla Šchonová, Režie Vladimír Gromov), Svět Poezie, Český rozhlas, (Bronislava Volková: Vulnerability of the Earth, World of Poetry, Czech Radio), March 23, 2006.
Nejmenší připomínka Tvého bytí… (Třicet let exilu: 1974-2004), básnické čtení s hudebním doprovodem, rozhovor s autorkou Vladimír Novotný, projekce koláží, Židovské kulturní středisko v Praze, květen 2006, film by Petr Kotyk, Museum of National Literature, Strahov, Prague.
Křižovatky současné české literatury: Obrys, Bronislava Volková, Libuše Moníková,
Česká Televize 2, (Crossroads of Contemporary Czech Literature, Czech TV 2),
July 27, 2006.
WFIU, Bloomington, two programs of poetry on Linen of Words, Nov. 19 and Dec. 10, 2006.
“Faculty Profile: Bronislava Volkova”, Interview by Matthew Slaboch, Reification, Dec. 2010, vol. 34, No. 4, p. 7-9.
Studio ČT 24, “Profil”: 25.1. 2012, 9:39-9:49 hod. , moderator Patricie Strouhalová
9:18) photographs, introduction.
ten minutes program
TV Metropol: „Na vrcholu“, 27.1. 2012, 11:10 hod.: (4:56-23:12), 181. díl, moderator Eva Jurinová
twenty minutes program
TV 2: „Knižní svět“, Reportáž – Vzpomínky moře Bronislavy Volkové, 5.2. 2012, 12:30?
Short reportage from the Exhibit Opening and Book Signing 1-26-2012
Video 26.1. 2012 (camera Eduard Vacek)
„Mezi protiklady“ (Among Contradictions), Právo, Prague, Feb. 16, 2012, interview by Veronika Trestrová (http://www.novinky.cz/kultura/salon/259583-bronislava-volkova-mezi-protiklady.html
Interview for the journal Listy with Václav Burian, May 16, 2012.
Interview for Czech Radio Olomouc Lady Magazín with Ivana Plíhalová, May 16, transmission on June 9, 2012.
„Mezi protiklady“ (Among Contradictions), Právo, Prague, Feb. 16, 2012, article by Veronika Trestrová (http://www.novinky.cz/kultura/salon/259583-bronislava-volkova-mezi-protiklady.html)
“Чеська поетеса Броніслава Волкова: «Ми – втрачене покоління…»”, Interview for Ukrains‘ka literaturna gazeta byViktor Melnyk, May 2013, published December 2013, http://www.litgazeta.com.ua/node/4578.
“Bronislava Volkova”, Slovoto dnes, November 14, 2013, p.15, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Národní kronika (National Chronicle), Nadace Charty 77 / Konto BARIÉRY (www.sensen.cz, www.kontobariery.cz/), Prague archived Volková’s essays and poetry, 2013.
Interview for Radio Timisoara, Romania with Vlasta Lazu, May 28, 2013.
Interview for Bulgarian National Radio with Darina Anastasova, November 29, broadcasted December 6, 2013, 13:22 PM. http://bnr.bg/sites/hristobotev/Shows/Culture/Artefir/Pages/131206bronislava_volkova.aspx
Portál české literatury: http://www.czechlit.cz/autori/volkova-bronislava/
Interview with Dimana Ivanova, March 20, 2014 http://www.iliteratura.cz/Clanek/32929/volkova-bronislava
. „Poezie je autentický…..“ (Interview with Dimana Ivanova), Homo Bohemicus, kn. 1/2014, p. 98-102, Sophia, Bulgaria.
Interview with Dimana Ivanova, Balgari, Prague, April 2014.
Art Alliance of Greater Bloomington
“Literatura lumii a devenit un domeniu de specializare, nu de cultura generala”, Interview with Marius Chelaru, Poezia XX, Spring 2014, p. 10-15, Iasi, Romania.
Interview. Regional Ukrainian Television, channel 1, red. Oleg Semko, Vinnitsa, September 15, 2014.
Interview with Ukrainian National Radio, red. Jurij Burjak and Ljudmila Lukjanenko, September 17, 2014.
„Bronislava Volkova: „Virju, ščo vi obov’jazkovo peremožete!“, interview with Stanislav Bondarenko and poems, Literaturna Ukraina, p. 14, No. 44, 13. November 2014, Kiev.
Rozhovor s Bronislavou Volkovou: „Na univerzitě jsem našla spřízněné duše“, http://zpravodaj.upce.cz/kultura/2014/rozhovor-volkova 12.12.2014
Articles, Thesis on Volková and Some Anthologizations:
(Some anthologized publications are listed under “Sequences of Poems”)
Dictionary of Czech Writers, second corrected edition, Toronto, 1990.
Panorama české literatury, Olomouc, 1994.
Jan Čulík: Literatura za oponou, Praha, 1992.
„Escape“ mentioned on the occasion of the Annual Memorial Day of the Shoah Memorial Foundation YAD WA-SHEM, Jerusalem, Israel.
„Exil: Before and Now“, contribution to the PEN Conference in Prague commented on in the article by Petr Jankovský „Literatur, Gefangnis, Exil – und Stillschweigen“ in Der Landbote, Nr. 54, March 6, 1996, Winterthur, CH, Switzerland.
Dictionary of Czech Writers since 1945 in two volumes, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Prague 1998.
Marta Marková: Femina: Portréty českých žen, Barrister & Principal, Brno, 1998.
Vladimír Novotný: Nová česká literatura (New Czech Literature), textbook for teachers, České Budějovice, Czech Republic.
J. Češková: Bronislava Volková – básnířka dvou světů (Bronislava Volková – a poet
of Two Worlds), M.A. Thesis at University of Liberec, 1998.
Vl. Novotný: “Laudatio ad Bronislava Volková, Listopad, Liberec, 2000.
“Poet Enters the Light”, The Herald Times, Bloomington, 2003.
“Book Signing/Multimedia Show at Waldron, The Herald Times, Bloomington, May 22, 2005.
„Born out of Darkness and Poet Bronislava Volková“, Literally, News from the Writers‘ Center of Indiana, June-July, Indianapolis, 2005.
“Bronislava Volková: vědkyně, umělkyně a učitelka”, http://www.czech.cz/cz/ceske-listy/krajanske-panorama-serial/bronislava-volkova-vedkyne-umelkyne-a-ucitelka/, June 11, 2007 (České listy is a journal of the Czech Department of Foreign Affairs).
Mathew Konieczny: “Bronislava Volková: Scholar, Artist, and Teacher”, Kosmas, Fall 2007, Vol. 21, No. 1, p. 70-73.
Internet commentaries and blogs in various countries on poetry & collage work.
Contemporary Authors by Gale Group.
Anthology of Czech Poetry from 1966 till the Present, Prague: dybbuk, ed. Jan Šulc, 2010.
Vladimír Novotný and Karel Piorecký: „Bronislava Volková“, Slovník české literatury po roce1945 [Dictionary of Czech Literature after 1945], Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR [Institute for Czech Literature of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic], Prague, 2009, 2nd edition.
„Bronislava Volková“ by Andrew Durkin and Steven Franks, In Honor of Retiring Faculty, Indiana University, Bloomington, April 22, 2010.
“Dr. Bronislava Volkova, professor, poet, and translator, is retiring”, AATSEEL Newsletter Vol. 53, Issue 4, December 2010, p. 16.
“Bronislava Volková” in Portál české literatury http://www.czechlit.cz/ceska-literatura-v-zahranici/bohemistika-v-zahranici/velka-britanie-usa-kanada-a-australie/
Marcel Vašák: “Z Ameriky k nám příletí básnířka a kolážistka Bronislava Volková“ in TOPVIP.cz, Knihy, January 21, 2012.
http://www.iliteratura.cz/Clanek/29533/volkova-bronislava-vzpominky-more-basne-z-let-19732010 (Article by Dimana Ivanova February 15, 2012).
Národní kronika (National Chronicle), Nadace Charty 77 / Konto BARIÉRY (www.sensen.cz, www.kontobariery.cz/) Prague, archived Volková’s essays and poetry, 2013 http://www.sensen.cz/narodni-kronika/listovat-kronikou/narodni-kronika/exil-vnirni-a-vnejsi/. 2013.
„Česka poetessa Bronislava Volkova: My – vtračene pokolinnja“, Ukrains’ka literaturna gazeta, No. 26, 2013.
CAHI Institute 2013-14: The Year Ahead,” “Oct. 3 The Sea Recalls: A Poetry Reading by Bronislava Volkova with Music by Alexander Shonert.”
“Arts Watch: Poetry performance set for Thursday”, Herald Times, Sunday, September 29, 2013.
“Bronislava Volkova”, Slovoto dnes, November 14, 2013, p.15, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Portál české literatury: http://www.czechlit.cz/autori/volkova-bronislava/
Český dialog/Czech Dialogue http://www.cesky-dialog.net/clanek/6344-bronislava-volkova-kolaze/
Bulletin 10/2014 libriprohibiti.cz http://libriprohibiti.cz
http://tverdyna.ucoz.ua/publ/novini_z_novin/novini_z_novin/pro_prezentaciju_zbirki_bronislavi_volkovoji_neprinalezhnist_v_nacionalnomu_muzeji_literaturi_ukrajini/9-1-0-375 (Presentation of poetry in Ukrainian Museum of Literature, Kiev Sept. 17, 2014)
Ukrainian National Radio:
21.10.14 об 11.50 „Поетична мозаїка“ Броніслава Волкова;
23.10.14 об 11.10 „Поліс-культ“. Авторська передача Ю.Буряка. Гості: Б.Волкова, В. Мельник;
27.10.14 о 22.00 „Поезія“. Б.Волкова.
Передачі слухайте на сайті: radiokultura.org
„Tri knigi tr‘ox slav’jans‘kix poetes prezentuvali u Vinnici“, Vinničina, No. 75, 9/26, 2014, Vinnica.
„Bronislava Volkova: „Virju, ščo vi obov’jazkovo peremožete!“, interview by Stanislav Bondarenko and author’s poems, Literaturna Ukraina, p. 14, No. 44, 13. November 2014, Kiev, Ukraine.
„Rozhovor s Bronislavou Volkovou: Na univerzitě jsem našla spřízněné duše“, Interview by Darja Vičíková, Marie Csöszová, http://zpravodaj.upce.cz/kultura/2014/rozhovor-volkova 12.12.2014, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic.
Interview with Bronislava Volková by Jana Davidová for Czech radio Pardubice. Broadcasted three times in December 2014. http://www.uschovna.cz/zasilka/CMFNCLN93HCWRMAI-J44/
Biography and poetry in three languages in Poetas del mundo.com.
Documentary film Power of Art and Culture featuring Bronislava Volková by Deanna Davis for IU class International Arts & Communication, taught by Alfredo Minetti.
iLiteratura – Volkova, Bronislava, Article by Ivana Srbkova about the presentation of the poetry book of prof. Bronislava Volkova at the Bulgarian cultural institute in Prague.