Books, CD, DVD


Kde všichni odcházejí a už se nevrací / Where Everyone Leaves Never to Return

Washington: Plamen Press, USA, 2023, bilingual edition


Also in Explorer Editions, 2023 with 4 color collages by author.

Twelfth, bilingual collection of original poetry.



Mirando las aguas

(I Look into the Waters) Selection from eleven books of poetry by the author. Translation and introductioon by Věra Hoffmannová. Published by Argenta, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2020. The publication of this book was supported by a grant of Indiana University, Bloomington.

The book can be obtained at:,


Mirando las aguas
Contiene selección de once libros de poesía de la autora. Traducción al español y prólogo de Věra Hoffmannová. Publicado en Editorial Argenta, Buenos, Aires, Argentina, 2020 con el apoyo de la beca para profesores eméritos de la Universidad de Indiana, Bloomington.

El libro le brinda al lector sorprendentes virajes en cada poesía. Sus versos palpitan  lentamente al ritmo del corazón humano. Se podría decir que se asemejan a la música, en el sentido de T. S. Eliot, quien dice que “la música es una línea vertical ajustada a las palpitaciones del corazón humano”. La poeta B. Volková ha llegado al límite de las situaciones humanas, situaciones que tienden a la trascendencia. Sus versos atesoran la sabiduría y el colorido de los poetas de la vieja China y también el agudo filo de los poetas surrealistas.
Bohumil Hrabal, República Checa

Bronislava Volková está considerada en el exilio checo al que pertenezco, como una de las poetas checas más importantes y destacadas de la actualidad. Sus imágenes, la calidad ensoñadora de su poesía y el amor hacia la humanidad, expresada en sus versos, crean una voz original. Su último libro muestra la evolución desde el talento a la maestría. 
Arnošt Lustig, República Checa

Tenemos la suerte de que ha llegado hasta nosotros un nuevo talento que habla con palabras de uso cotidianas. La novedad es más clara cuando – como en el caso de estas poesías de una mujer checa – el talento nos habla desde la lengua, la cultura y la tradición que la mayoría de nosotros comienza a conocer. La sensibilidad creada a partir de ellas, nos alcanza con una frescura espectacular,  con viveza y originalidad, su tema es la vida que todos nosotros compartimos.
W. S.  Merwin, USA

La poesía de Bronislava Volková es el universo del alma. Su plasticidad une lo temporal y lo eterno, lo metafísico y lo real, la verdadera vida vivida y sobrevivida. Para que una persona escriba de este modo tiene que tener un talento peculiar. El poeta se debe transformar él mismo en una obra de arte. Si abrimos la obra de W. Whitman y luego, de repente, nos volcamos en los versos de Bronislava Volková, entenderemos qué es la poesía actual. Lo lacónico en extremo y la condensación de la vida, y al mismo tiempo el eufemismo. Densidad del habla y aire entre las estrofas. 
Aleksandr Karpenko, Rusia

La poesía de B. Volková representa la creación lírica más destacada de la poesía checa del último decenio. La incondicionalidad existencialista se vincula con lo metafísico sensorial, la imaginación con el intelecto, la prolijidad individual con lo lacónico y sabio, relacionado con la condición humana – todo ello crea una importante imposición del individuo sobre el mundo caótico. 
Kristina Kallert, Alemania 
El libro se puede obtener aquí:,, cualquier librería de Argentina

Лучше чем тишина звучать…

(To Sound Better than Silent) Selection from eleven collections of poetry and new poems in Russian translation of the author. Main editor and introduction: Alexandr Karpenko. Published by Steklograf, Moscow, Russia, 2020. It is the second book of Bronislava Volková’s poetry in Russian. The book also contains a fragment from the author’s essay on exile, some Russian and Ukrainian reviews of her work and interviews with the author from the pen of Viktor Mel’nyk, Oleg Solovej, Igor Ol’ševskij, Alexandr Ratkevič a Stanislav Ajdinjan.

The book can be obtained at: :
Магазин «Поэзия», Самотечная ул. д. 13 стр. 2, Москва
Магазин «Фаланстер», Тверская ул. д. 17, Москва
Магазин «Циолковский», Пятницкий пер. д. 8 стр. 1, 4-й этаж, Москва

Лучше чем тишина звучать…
Вторая книга стихов Брониславы Волковой в русском переводе автора. Избрано из одиннадцати сборников и новых стихов. Главный редактор и введение: Александр Карпенко. Издано в издательстве Стеклограф, Москва, Россия, 2020. Книга содержит тоже отрывок из эссе Брониславы Волковой об изгнанничестве, некоторые русские и украинские рецензии ее творчества и разговоры с автором Виктора Мельника, Олега Соловья, Игоря Ольшевского, Алексадра Раткевича и Станислава Айдиняна.

Книгу можно купить здесь: :
Магазин «Поэзия», Самотечная ул. д. 13 стр. 2, Москва
Магазин «Фаланстер», Тверская ул. д. 17, Москва
Магазин «Циолковский», Пятницкий пер. д. 8 стр. 1, 4-й этаж, Москва


(Return) Bilingual Czech-German edition of a representative selection of poetry in translation from eleven collections. Translated by Ota Filip, Petr Jankovský, Kristina Kallert, Ines Spieker and Vladimír Vlasatý and author. Published by Pavel Mervart, Červený kostelec, Czech Republic, 2019, 260pp. With two black and white collages by author. The publication was supported by the Česko-německý fond budoucnosti (Czech-German Foundation of the Future).

 Návrat – Heimkehr brings a bilingual Czech-German edition of a representative selection of one of the most important Czech voices of the last decades. Existential exigency is interconnected with sensual metaphysics, imagination with intellect, individual persistence with a laconic knowingness.
Kristina Kallert

 Návrat – Heimkehr bietet in zweisprachiger tschechisch-deutscher Edition einen repräsentativen Querschnitt durch das lyrische Lebenswerk einer der markantesten tschechischen Stimmen der letzten Jahrzehnte. Existenzialistische Unbedingtheit verbindet sich mit sinnlicher Metaphysik, Imagination mit Intellekt, individuelle Beharrlichkeit mit wissender Lakonie um die conditio humana – in allem ein bedeutendes Bekenntnis zur Selbstbehauptung des Individuums über eine chaotische Welt hinaus.
Bronislava Volková hat den größten Teil ihres aktiv schaffenden Lebens – nach einer Lehrtätigkeit auch an den Universitäten in Köln und Marburg – als Professorin für Bohemistik und Slavistik an der Indiana University, Bloomington, im US-amerikanischen Exil verbracht. Seit den 1980er Jahren, als die Autorin ihre ersten Lyrikbände im Münchener Exil-Verlag Poezie mimo Domov (PmD) / Poetry Abroad vorzulegen begann, hat sich ihrer Gedichte eine Reihe von Übersetzern angenommen. Sie alle sind hier vertreten. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Autorin übersetzt von Ota Filip, Peter Jankovský, Kristina Kallert, Ines Spieker und Vladimír Vlasatý. Herausgegeben mit freundlichen Ünterstützung des Deutsch-Tschechichen Zukunftsfonds.
Kristina Kallert
The book was presented at:
“Poetry Reading of Czech, German and Sorbian Writers” (organized by Czech and German International PEN club and Society of Friends of Lužice), Lužice seminary, Prague 22.10. 2019.
“Pohleď, jsem blízko”, poetry reading on 11. 19. 2019 in Milíčova modlitebna, Prague. Introduction by Mária Uhrinová, esrádž accompaniment Elena Kubičková. Program of the festival Den poezie.
“Vidět a vědět”, Nosticův palác, Praha, 24.11. 2019, Program of the Festival Den poezie.

The book can be ordered at,,

Vítr na kolenou / Вiтер на колiнах 

(Wind on its Knees) Czech-Ukrainian bilingual collection of selected poems translated by Mykola Martynjuk and published in the publishing house Tverdyna, Luck, Ukraine. It is the second collection of selected poems of Bronislava Volková in Ukraine. The book was presented in the Gallery Ščigol in Prague on 9th of January, 2020 together with the translator and publisher Mykola Martynjuk under the auspices of the Ukrainian Embassy with the Ukrainian Ambassador Jevhen Perebyjnis present. Similarly as in the case of the previous selection Neprinaležnist’ (Nonconformity, 2014), a number of reviews has appeared (Igor Ol’ševskij, Igor Farina, Viktor Mel’nyk, Viktor Verbyč),
The book can be ordered at:

Волкова Броніслава. Vítr na kolenou/Вітер на колінах : вибр. поезії / Броніслава Волкова ; пер. з чеськ. Миколи Мартинюка. – Луцьк : ПВД «Твердиня», 2019, 124 с.

«Vítr na kolenou/Вітер на колінах» – це двомовне чесько-українське видання вибраного з декількох ліричних збірок і нових віршів одного з видатних чеських голосів останніх десятиліть. Броніслава Волкова вже відома українському читачеві за книгою «Неприналежність» (2014) у перекладі Віктора Мельника. Поезії Броніслави Волкової поєднують екзистенційну безвідкладність з чуттєвою метафізичністю, знану лаконічність з інтелектуальною уявністю в акценті на індивідуальне сприйняття значення переможного над хаотичним світом.

Значну частину свого творчого життя Броніслава Волкова провела в американській еміграції, працюючи професором славістики та богемістики в Індіанському університеті в Блумінґтоні. Вона пише чеською й англійською, і була перекладена на низку інших мов. Крім поезії та колажу, займається семіотикою і є авторкою книг і статей з типології емотивних значень і знаків, аналізу поетичної мови, ґендеру, еміграції тощо.

Z druhej strany duše 

z-druhej-strany-cover(From the Other Side of the Soul). This selection from the poetry of Bronislava Volková demonstrates the potential of the word, able to be hard, clear and sharp like granite, or gentle, soft and all-embracing like water.

The first thing that captivates me in this author’s work is the playfulness of form and language and ease with which she ties the individual metaphors into a poetic whole. The resulting images represent a gallery of artistic collages, still lifes, often with surrealist, even metaphysical character. Sometimes the metaphysical content of the verses breathes on the reader with such a depth that it reminds us that the author is also a Reiki Master. The poems from the older, exile period are mildly nostalgic, sometimes melancholic, honoring her far-away homeland by means of natural-panoramic metaphors. In her later period, they are rather reflexive and subtly mock and ironize various spheres of life and relationship, which directly touch each one of us. Yet ultimately one feels a breeze of hope in her poems. Who seeks will find and be found.
Ondrej Kalamár
Publishing: Sklaná ruža, Banská Bystrica, 2016, 115 pp.
Translation into Slovak: Ondrej Kalamár
Available here

Být stromem, který zpívá / Being a Tree That Sings

Byt stromem_obalkaNew, eleventh book of metaphysical and existential poetry by the Czech American poet Bronislava Volková, currently living between Prague, Czech Republic and Bloomington, IN. She is an author of more than thirty books of poetry, translations, as well as scholarly analyses and her work has been translated into eleven languages. She holds a number of international literary-cultural awards and is a member of both Czech and American PEN club. She is a Professor Emerita of Indiana University and also a successful collage artist, who exhibits her works on both sides of the Atlantic. Volková is an emotive and spiritual poet, who moves the reader toward a deeper experience of life. One of the topics of current book is also the unique animal world. A specific feature of her poetry is its consistently bilingual form and original metaphorisation. The book comes with five color collages by the author. With cover collage “The Trials of Angels”. More at<,
 Pavel Mervart, Červený Kostelec, Czech Republic, 2016, 142 pp
Available here:


Šepot vselennoj 


(Whisper of the Universe) This is a selection of Bronislava Volkova’ s poetry in Russian translation by author with Oleg Malevič, Irina  Sileckaja and Tatjana Žitkova, published by  U Nikitskix vorot in  Moscow, 2015. the poems were selected from ten poetry books that appeared between 1984-2010 in Germany and US. The book is illustrated by ten collages by author in black-and-white. The cover displays  “(A)symetry)” in color. 142 pages.
Can be obtained at:



 rsz_pkniha(Noncorformity) is a selection of poetry of Bronislava Volková in Ukrainian translation by Viktor Mel’nyk. Appeared in Tverdyna, Lutsk, 2014, 128 pp. The poems are selected from ten books of poetry dated between 1984-2010. The book is illustrated by author’s collages in black and white. On the cover is her collage “Magic”.

Az sym tvoiata sydba 


(I Am Your Destiny), selection of poetry of Bronislava Volková in Bulgarian translation by Dimitar Stefanov), Haini, Sofia, 2013. On the cover a collage by author “Naked Truth”

Stihovete v nastoiashtoto izdanie na Bronislava Volkova sa podbrani ot toma “Spomeni na moreto” – izbrani stihotvorenia ot 1973 – 2010 godina, izdadeni v Chehia prez 2011 g. Bronislava Volkova e izvestna cheshka poetesa, pisala i izdavala stihove i na anglijski ezik. Nejni tvorbi sa prevedeni na devet ezika. Za svoiata poeticheska, kulturna i nauchna dejnost e poluchavala nagradi, vkliuchitelno i ot Sindikata na bylgarskite uchiteli vyv Varna pri uchastieto v mezhdunarodna pisatelska sreshta prez 2012 g.




“Tygata ima miris na hliab
az sym pregazena
az sym vdovica prepynata
az sym vdovica
i ne se molia veche za zhazhda…
Nalej mi chasha sylzi
te sa evtini kato dumite
i posle nedej obryshta vnimanie…”

Bronislava Volkova

Can be obtained at:

Vzpomínky moře

Vzpomínky  moře(The Sea Recalls), Collected Poems from the Years 1973-2010, Pavel Mervart, Červený Kostelec, Czech Republic 2011

Collected poems from ten poetry collections of Bronislava Volková. The work is illustrated by ten color collages by the author and contains a CD of her reading. The work is concluded by an afterword by Vladimír Novotný, as well as introductions and afterwords from previous editions published abroad (by Bohumil Hrabal, Lubomír Doležel, Willis Barnstone and Marie Banerjee Němcová). The book was published by Pavel Mervart 2011 (hardbound, 392 pp) under a grant of Ministry of Culture of Czech Republic and Borns Jewish Program of Indiana University. The poetry has been widely reviewed and translated into eight languages. Much of it is available in English translation. This is the first edition of Volková‘s work in Czech Republic.

Available here:

And Drink We Will from Delectable Wells… 

Explorer Editions, Bloomington, IN, USA 2011. Czech version, ibid. 2010.

Bronislava Volková’s poetry collection offers us a poetry which expresses author’s philosophy of spiritual liberation and perpetual rejuvenation in the here and now, sending out shoots of new growth in all directions. Her verse is the flight of imagination of the heart and of language itself. Its light, effervescent quality is matched by its commitment to intellectual sobriety. Her message to humankind, sometimes dark and sometimes bright, is always generous. It is filled with an irrepressible gust of emotional exhilaration ever poised to break through her delicately winnowed lines. At one moment she cautions against spiritual death and in the next celebrates the breathtaking, shared gift of life. Her poetry has been described as “complicatedly simple” (Josef Hrubý), a “sun for the conjuring away of night,” (Marián Hatala) and a lyrical space where “freedom is paramount” (Clarice Cloutier).

~Bethany Braley, May 2011

The book (2010-11) is being published simultaneously in Czech and English as a limited twin edition with three color collages and two photographs by the author in each. Custom bound, 73 pages each, $15.00 per copy +$5.00 for shipping and handling. Sold separately or together. When ordering, send a check made out to Bronislava Volková. E-mail orders are welcome:

A pít budeme ze studní lahodných 


Explorer Editions, Bloomington, IN, USA 2011. Czech version, ibid. 2010.

Bronislava Volková’s poetry collection offers us a poetry which expresses author’s philosophy of spiritual liberation and perpetual rejuvenation in the here and now, sending out shoots of new growth in all directions. Her verse is the flight of imagination of the heart and of language itself. Its light, effervescent quality is matched by its commitment to intellectual sobriety. Her message to humankind, sometimes dark and sometimes bright, is always generous. It is filled with an irrepressible gust of emotional exhilaration ever poised to break through her delicately winnowed lines. At one moment she cautions against spiritual death and in the next celebrates the breathtaking, shared gift of life. Her poetry has been described as “complicatedly simple” (Josef Hrubý), a “sun for the conjuring away of night,” (Marián Hatala) and a lyrical space where “freedom is paramount” (Clarice Cloutier).

~Bethany Braley, May 2011

E-mail orders are welcome:

Up the Devil`s Back / Po hřbetě ďábla: A Bilingual Anthology of 209th Century Czech Poetry


Up the Devil’s Back / Po hřbetě d’ábla: A Bilingual Anthology of 20thCentury Czech Poetry, Slavica Publishers, Bloomington, IN, 2008.

presents 65 selected Czech poets in English translation, together with their biographies. Co-translated and co-edited by Bronislava Volková (Professor of Czech literature, Comparative literature and Jewish studies at Indiana University) and Clarice Cloutier (Assistant Professor of Central European literature and culture at New York University [Prague campus] and Lecturer at Charles University, Prague). The anthology features well-known poets alongside those who have not received well-deserved attention, female poets alongside males and exile poets alongside those who remained in Czechoslovakia under totalitarian regime. With Introduction by authors and Afterward by Alfred Thomas.

 “These poems are more than an expression of a series of individual talents: above all they bear witness to a culture whose survival in the calamitous twentieth century is nothing less than a miracle. The same might be said of the publication of this anthology.”

From the Afterword by Alfred Thomas, University of Illinois, Chicago

“To be frank, it takes an enormous deal of personal courage to undertake a project such as either history or anthology of one’s own literature. Bronislava Volková and Clarice Cloutier took a look at the Czech poetry today, set up limits, and created thirteen categories: Beginning with the middle of nineteenth century Czech poet Antonín Sova (1864-1928), they scanned the highlights of different phases of modern Czech poetry developments and went to work, thus opening the riches, and the marvels, of contemporary Czech poetry to any Czech or English-speaking interested reader all the way to contemporary Martin Reiner (born 1964)… this Slavica volume is a veritable walk through a garden of delights.”

From the review by Jiřina Fuchsová, poet, former lecturer at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, Czech Dialogue, 7-8, 2009

Up the Devil’s Back, a bilingual anthology of 20th-century Czech poetry just hitting Prague bookstore shelves, is one of the more successful recent examples of such attempts at being definitive….. the monumental task of selecting and translating the work of 65 Czech poets and giving such eclectic diversity a sense of unity.”

From the announcement by Stephan Delbos, Prague Post, Dec 9, 2009

“This anthology, containing 168 poems by 65 twentieth-century poets, most of which appear here in English for the first time, is absolutely indispensable for students and teachers of Czech literature and culture. It is also an enjoyable reading for anyone interested in poetry in general, or preparing for a trip to Prague. …Volková and Cloutier deserve praise for accomplishing the admirable feat of compiling the most complete poetry anthology ever published in English. It is more objective and reliable than its outdated predecessors.”

From the review by Kirsten Lodge, Columbia University, SEEJ 2010

Avaiable here: zde: or: zde

Born out of Darkness, Explorer Editions, Bloomington-Praha

Explorer Editions, Bloomington, IN 2005.  This book of the well known Czech American poet is taking the reader on a journey through the most grievous errors of human civilizations as well as through personal grief and self made traps fabricated by the structures of modern life. It then switches the mirrors, taking us to places of peace, wisdom, lightness and consolation. The author moves through environmental and war issues, old and modern civilizations‘ inhumanity, aging and death of the closest ones and ends with peaceful meditational poetry. The book was supported by a grant from Indiana Arts Comission.

The book is being published simultaneously in Czech and English as a limited twin edition with a different set of four color collages by the author in each. Bound in hand made paper, 94 pp each. English version edited by Clarice Cloutier. Sold separately or together $16 per copy plus shipping and handling. E-mail orders are welcome:


Ze tmy zrozená

Explorer Editions, Bloomington-Praha, 2004. This book of the well known Czech American poet is taking the reader on a journey through the most grievous errors of human civilizations as well as through personal grief and self made traps fabricated by the structures of modern life. It then switches the mirrors, taking us to places of peace, wisdom, lightness and consolation. The author moves through environmental and war issues, old and modern civilizations‘ inhumanity, aging and death of the closest ones and ends with peaceful meditational poetry. The book was supported by a grant from Indiana Arts Comission.

The book is being published simultaneously in Czech and English as a limited twin edition with four different color collages by the author in each. Bound in hand made paper, 94 pp each. Sold separately or together $16 per copy plus shipping and handling.

E-mail orders are welcome:




Jistá nepřítomnost / A Certain Absence

Jistá nepřítomnost / A Certain Absence, bilingual limited edition of Explorer Editions, Bloomington-Prague, 2003. Co-translated by author and Clarice Cloutier.

English translation of Jistá nepřítomnost, originally published in Czech by PmD (Poetry Abroad), Munich in 1990.

“The author tends to an existential abbreviation, to the reflection of a moment. Her crystalline poetry, which strives for genuine expression, should be published in its totality in our country as well: it is an informed, mature poetry of our times. However, another era will surely have to begin before it is freely accessible to us. Even though it is true that ‘poems are mere nothing/ the stairs into the pain of the horizon’…”

Vladimír Novotný, Mladá Fronta Dnes, Prague 2-5-1991

Bronislava Volková’s poetry pulls back the curtain, revealing an arena where the profound and mundane elements of life engage one another and vie for reality. The reader, at times in muted shock, absorbs the enfolding scene at a personal pace and explores the myriad of subtle implications presented in the verses which in turn carefully stretch one into a deeper state of discernment.

In her collection, A Certain Absence, Bronislava Volková beckons one to draw close to the cosmic juxtaposition of presence and absence within the vortex of existence without the danger of losing one’s balance: freedom is paramount. The reader is awakened and aware of the void where one, having done all, is empowered to stand in peace.

Clarice Cloutier, “Introduction”, 2001.

E-mail orders are welcome:


Entering Light /Vstup do světla


Entering Light / Vstup do světla, bilingual limited edition, Explorer Editions, Bloomington-Prague, 2002.

“The second of Volková’s innovative collections of bilingual poetry, Entering Light / Vstup do světla contains a beautiful pairing of dreamlike, light-filled, sometimes a bit surreal poems in both Czech and English as well as six stunning color collages created by the author. “

Kristin  Reed, Indiana University, Bloomington

“Just like its immediate predecessor, Proměny / Transformations (2001), this cycle of poems is written in the hybrid form of bilingual writing that has become the hallmark of Volková’s creativity. Shifting stakes beyond the level of self-translation, the art of dual composition conceives of the twin poems as a single imaginative whole, with the Czech and English versions carrying the same value of authenticity.”

Maria Banerjee Němcová, Smith College, Northampton, Kosmas, 2003

“… And it is so difficult to write a poem, which would not be useless. A poem that at least one reader would not be able to forget. A poem which contains an unexpected knowledge. A poem that would be a scalpel opening the soul. A poem – a challenge to an indifferent heart. A poem that would awaken the sleeping self. The poetry of Bronislava Volková is not useless. A single assiduous reading of one of her collections, will anchor a person firmly and will make them her admirer. Bronislava Volková offers an insight into her sensitive and restless heart, filled with an artistically refined search for oneself.”

Věra Hoffmannová, Charles University, Prague, 2001

E-mail orders are welcome: or here



Proměny / Transformations

bilingual limited edition, Explorer Editions, Bloomington, 2001, with and essay on bilingual writing.

 „The phenomenon of bilingual creation is not rare in literature (e.g. R. M. Rilke, in Bohemia J. Deml…), however, systematic self-translation is almost unique (e.g. Josif Brodskij). The extensive bilingual collection of Bronislava Volková Proměny / Transformations (Prague 2001, 170 pages) has in this respect an exceptional meaning for Czech literature. The poet was, however, not satisfied with a mere translation, but she expanded it by another dimension: she interprets her poetry also visually in eight color collages of her own, whose titles (e.g. ‚Illusions and Spirit‘, ‚Wandering toward Light‘, ‚Sources of Life‘) emphasize the clear thread of her work and its transformations from the area of sensory reflections and simple dialogue with herself and with the world toward a more spiritual level, which is clearly inspired by the ideas of New Age.“

Mojmír Trávníček, Nový Hrozenkov, Zprávy spolku českých bibliofilů, Prague, 2003

“The work of émigré poet, scholar and linguist Bronislava Volková illustrates how the artist’s impulse to create can triumph over having been cast out of Paradise. As Maria Banerjee aptly observes in her Afterword to the fascinating and highly engaging collection, Proměny / Transformations, Volková ‘a healer’ who ‘has moved beyond the trauma of exile’ through the power of her cross-cultural vision. Volková’s transformations chart her odyssey through the fires of alienation from which she arises phoenix-like with unity restored. Initially, the lyric functions as a disembodied ‘cry that carves sorrow’ (pláč jenž vytesává hoře), materializing before us as if brief illuminations out of the void. In the beginning, there is suffering, darkness, disruption and the frozen wastelands of Dante’s hellish vision (The Inferno the work of another poet-exile). As the cycles progress, Volková’s ‘I’ finally conquers its terror of nothingness by facing its fears head on to accept the universe’s constant state of flux.”
Deborah Garfinkle, Menlo College, California, Kosmas, 2004

E-mail orders are welcome: or here


Motáky do uší pěny / Prison Notes Smuggled into the Ears of Sea Foam

Bilingual edition, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, New York, 1999. Co-translated by author, Willis Barnstone, Andrew Durkin, Gregory Orr and Lilli Parrott. English translation of Motáky do uší pěny, originally published in Czech by PmD (Poetry Abroad, Munich) in 1984.

 “If we leave the youngest Czech literary offspring aside, it is exactly Volková who is the first contemporary well-known poet, about whom we can say without any exaggeration that she is becoming or rather has already definitively become a bilingual author and it is precisely she, who can be called a Czech-American poet.”

“…. [her] verses have their roots in that vision of open world and later – perhaps even in the form of those “prison notes smuggled into the ears of sea foam’ – if we should pay homage to her classical poetic image – they become a momentous argument convincing us that literary reflection continues to have weight even in the foolish world of mass media abbreviation and poetry on the verge of globalizing creative illiteracy…. We all are constantly thrown into the ever-present foam of the days – but only the lyrical poetic stanzas are able to recognize the longed for form in this chaos and labyrinth, to install the desired order, to find the way toward the goal – i.e. they know how to be poetry.”
Vladimír Novotný, Prague, Listopad, 2000
Available: here



Roztříštěné světy

(Selected Poems, Shattered Worlds), Votobia, Olomouc, 1995

“In the poetry of Bronislava Volková there is something silky, something like threads of a spider web stretched in an open space. Each poem is an attempt to hold the words in a weightless state above the sensed oppressive weight of the world. A few years ago this poetry was still something of an exception in the Czech context. Today, in the new era, it flows right into the main stream, which is an interesting proof of the fact that Czech poetry is as alive in Bloomington as it is in Prague. This collection of Bronislava Volková shows very clearly the intrinsic lyricism and stylistic tenderness which so far have not received much attention in foreign portrayals of literature.”
Miroslav Holub, Prague

“It is striking how fast the sense of exactness and metaphoric firmness and purity grows in her poetry. It is realized e.g. in the area of verbal tenses: in the perfect tense she evokes a feeling of a roaming uncertainly, nostalgia and melancholy, while the present tense is a field of brutally concrete visions and situations (‘the sound of wind reminds me of cut flesh’) and dynamically vivid and clear discourses (‘When I dance, I smell of the colors / of laughing hillsides…’ To the raw concrete words belongs the perhaps most frequented noun ‘vzduch’ (air) which also characteristically entered into the title of one of her collections Vzduch bez podpatků (Air without Heels, 1987).”
Mojmír Trávníček, Brno, Proglas 8, 1996

“The Shattered Worlds are characterized by a much richer register than we suggested in the previous lines. Toward the more striking moments belong American motives, archaic and modern semiotics worlds, invasion of linguistic terminology into lyric poetry, etc. Our task, however, did not consist in the exhaustive catalogisation of its items. Let us be thankful that Czech poetry has in the person of Bronislava Volková a type of a poet, who inventively combines intense lyricism with intellectualizing meditation.”
Petr Hanuška, Olomouc, Tvar (Prague), 1997

“…Substantially more extensive is the book Roztříštěné světy (Shattered Worlds), subtitled Selected poems 1974 – 1989. This book offers a cross-section through the work of the author, showing that the fifteen years from her departure to exile till the fall of the totalitarian system in Czechoslovakia were for Bronislava Volková  extremely fruitful poetically. The collection was published in 1995 by a well-known Olomouc publishing house Votobia. This very ingeniously crafted selection covers all the forms of her poetic handwriting, the diversity of her thematic direction, the wealth and originality of her motives. This poly-thematic and poly-motivic character exemplifies the best that Czech poetry gave birth to in the essentially dramatic decades of the second half of the twentieth century.”
Igor Hochel, PEN, Bratislava, 2004



Courage of the Rainbow
(Selected Poems) Sheep Meadow Press, New York, 1993. Co-translated by author, Willis Barnstone, Andrew Durkin, Gregory Orr and Lilli Parrott. “Look at the table of contents – the dream imagination, the ordinary every-day-ness of her many-nationed realities, the whimsy, the absurd imagination, the overt sexuality of her earth, fruit and firmaments, the woman exile with eyes and lips, her momentary hook into time, into life impermanent, a dozen sutras about our transitory years on earth say no more, as she writes about her impossibilities in ‘Exile,’ ‘Neither the postman nor the wind/will deliver the unpaid debt.’ But Bronislava Volková is more than her startling fragments. There is a flow and a largess. There are so many things, so many names, so much good language and observations in this Czech and American poet. She has the watchmaker’s tools and, as we watch her work, we may get stuck with splinters of Chippendale furniture. It is good to be bruised by her poems. Each one is an electric dream. Bronislava Volková commands our sense of discovery.”             
Willis Barnstone, Introduction, Bloomington, 1993

“Proposing that human nature is best transformed through language, Volková sets about describing a world in which ‘everything is possible.’ This is true at least for the brief duration of these mostly untitled, lyrical and highly readable poems. Translated by the author with Willis Barnstone, Andrew Durkin, Gregory Orr and Lilli Parrott, this impressive collection also includes a handful of poems originally written in English.”
Publishers Weekly, June 14, 1993

 “What is imagination? Is it not Volková’s poetic ambition to ‘heal’ us by freeing our imagination? She wants to burn like ‘an astonished meteor’ – that is, to write as if she were carrying a message from another world (not just from Prague). She would not be content to be just a Czech poet displaced in America, adding, as Barnstone says, ‘a Czech presence in poetry for the English language.’ He poems want to reaffirm the importance of poetry in the world today – the importance of poetry alongside sleep, dreams, miracles, silence. More than just contributing a new idiom to ‘the English language,’ her poetry wants us to hear something beyond language itself. It tries to reach beyond seeing, and, paradoxically, this is why the poet manages to exploit visual images with such force. To read her right, however, means to overcome the fascination of the eye. She is well aware of the difficulty of her task: ‘Poems / today walk / in different clothes / … A little spirit is missing.’”
Pearl-Angelika Lee, Paris, World Literature Today, 1995

Available: here



Zranitelnost země

PmD (Vulnerability of the Earth, Poetry Abroad), Munich, 1992. “In ‘Vulnerability of the Earth’, Volková searches for the untouchable. She steps on her toes to survey her land ‘blooming with spirit’. She removes herself from this world only to approach it even more, – a basic paradox, which forms the spine of her spiritual experience.”
Jiří Salvet, Brno, Host, 1998a






(Transformations), Alfa-Omega Press, limited edition, Prague, 1991. With photographs of Josef Šnajberg, graphics by Věra Martinková.

This little book is a preliminary version of what was later written and published bilingually as Proměny / Transformations, Explorer Editions, Bloomington-Prague 2000, 2001 (see reviews under that edition).





Jistá nepřítomnost

PmD (A Certain Absence, Poetry Abroad), Munich, 1990.

“Poetry collection A Certain Absence shows, that we have in front of us an experienced author, who not only perfectly masters the secret of the creation of modern lyric, its devices and techniques, but also has a unique, original voice. The collection A Certain Absence confirms that we will have to place Bronislava Volková somewhere in the forefront of contemporary Czech poetry.”
Igor Hochel, Bratislava, Romboid, 1990




aVzduch bez podpatků

(Air without Heels) PmD/Poetry Abroad, 1987.  “She affects mostly by her breathing, the freedom, with which she shifts from aiming toward utterance to an autonomous discovery, without getting stuck on one of these two “poles”. Precisely Air without Heels strikes us by the heightened importance of the “message” and the author’s vision of the world. Even the characteristic lightness of the author’s verse itself, which is equally its quality and inner value, becomes an urgent poetic thought and it seeks an echo in reality. The best works in the collection are thus both unique word crystals and quiet, but giddy challenges which illuminate reality in a new way and cut out of it unknown, but equally unique territories.”
Petr Král, Paris, Svědectví (Témoinage), 1988



Dům v ohni

(House on Fire) PmD/Poetry Abroad, 1985, “Volková tests the words. She is curious, what will they bear and still be communicative? Under what circumstances will they still allow the reader to enter the poem? She is tempted to seek the space, which one can reach beyond words. Poetry becomes for her a linguistic creative process. One can also say that the world of Bronislava Volková is a linguistic laboratory. The titles are significant and they are the gate into the world beyond the poems. In spite of their ‘intricacy’, they are metaphorically meaningful. Where this crossing happens, a very authentic poetry sparks:…”
Vladimír Justl, Prague, Rok, 1992



Motáky do uší pěny

(Prison Notes Smuggled into the Ears of Sea Foam), PmD Poetry  Abroad, Munich 1984.
“The book of poetry of Bronislava Volková brings the reader surprising reversals in each poem, her verses fall like drops of water almost to the rhythm of the human heart. One could say of the poet’s poems that they resemble music in T.S. Eliot’s sense, that music is a vertical line held as a mirror up to the beating of the heart… The poet Bronislava Volková has reached human boundary situations, situations, which lead to transcendence. Her verses hide both the wisdom and the colorfulness of the poets of ancient China, as well as the sharp cut of the surrealist poets. So Bronislava’s book is able not only to move the heart and the soul, but also refresh the spirit…”
Bohumil Hrabal, Kersko, Obrys, Munich, 1986

“In the images of individual poems, relatively short, often staccato, challengingly and unusually linked, she compels the reader to maximum concentration.”
Jan Procházka, Paris, Svědectví, 1986

Available here: 


Nejmenší připomínka Tvého bytí…

This CD represents a non-identical, expanded twin to the English version, a thirty year retrospective poetry reading, from nine books of poetry by the author with musical inserts by Gita Morenová, Dagmar Zárubová (violin) and Božena Kronychová (piano); 79.07 minutes.  A few poems are also read in English.
Cover collage: Fire Water Earth Air and Ether by author

E-mail orders are welcome:


The Slightest Reminder of Your Being… 

This CD represents a thirty year retrospective poetry reading from six English books of poetry by the author with musical inserts by Gita Morenová, Dagmar Zárubová (violin) and Božena Kronychová (piano). It is a non-identical twin to its Czech pendent; 64.55 minutes. A few poems are also read in Czech. Cover collage: Fire Water Air Earth and Ether by author. 
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The Sea Recalls

DVD of Multimedia Performance of a retrospective poetry reading with collage projections, music and dance in the IMU Faculty Club, Indiana University, Bloomington, October 3, 2013. Violin improvisation by Alexander Shonert, Dance by Allana Radecki and Joanne Shank, reading, collages, artistic direction  and production by Bronislava Volkova. In English with occasional poems in Czech. Sponsored by College of Arts & Humanities Institute, Robert A. and Sandra S. Borns Jewish Studies Program, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures & Russian and East European Institute. Film by David Derkacy. Cover design by Bronislava Volkova
Explorer Editions, Bloomington, IN., 2013.
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Born out of Darkness

DVD of multimedia poetry performance of a twin bilingual book Born out of Darkness/Ze tmy zrozená with dance, music, collage projections and light effects in John Waldron Arts Center in Bloomington, IN, 2005. Piano improvisation by Hakan Toker, dance by Contact Collective, lighting by Mike Price, collages and artistic direction by author, filmography by Rob Dietz, Explorer Editions,  Bloomington, IN, 2006. In English, with occasional Czech poems.

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Entering Light

DVD of multimedia poetry performance of a bilingual book Entering Light/Vstup do světla with dance, music, collage projections and light effects in John Waldron Arts Center in Bloomington, IN, 2003. Piano improvisation by Hakan Toker, dance by Contact Collective, lighting by Mike Price, collages and artistic direction by author, filmography by Community Access Television Station Bloomington and Rob Dietz, Explorer Editions, Bloomington, IN, 2006. In English, with occasional Czech poems.
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